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Molecular Taxonomy of Some Sudanese Phlebotomine Sandflies of Medical Importance #9

Open azzaea opened 7 years ago

azzaea commented 7 years ago

Alsalam alikm..

I hope this finds you in the best of states..

So... Back to action! This week we will be resuming our activities with our renounced guest speaker, Sara Abdalla Khidir, who will be sharing her findings from her recent research.

The title of this presentation: "Molecular Taxonomy of Some Sudanese Phlebotomine Sandflies of Medical Importance". It is a first report of application of multiplex-RFLP to identify some Sudanese phlebotomine sandflies and to study the ITS2 region of Phlebotomus orientalis from Sudan; and the complete abstract is available via: Sara AK Saeed -Journal club.pdf

and we are looking forward to hosting you!

Time: Thursday, 23/3/2017 Place: physcially (in CBSB), and virtually (via mconf room: