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Adding contract document fails #209

Closed paulmallett closed 11 years ago

paulmallett commented 12 years ago

Adding a 'signed both' contract fails with no error. The document is not stored or not visible.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Nearly: If a document type that is not valid is used the user is dropped back to the form with no document fields on it and no error is shown. I seem to remember that the error handling used to work. What happened to stop this working? We haven't made any changes to this area for some time.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Seem to have a problem in IE. Sometimes I have to double click to get one of the Choose...File to bring up the file window. But the submit button is not working. (This is all fine in Firefox of course!) Did a shift refresh - now the submit button is ok. The "searchable" one is still needing double click sometimes.

An hour later and I can't reproduce this. I wonder if there was a network problem somewhere??

ghost commented 11 years ago

Tried again Fri Morning - all local using IE9 on W7. Bring up the edit contract window Select one of the file upload buttons - seems to require a double click.

Seems to be consistent for window just brought up. Once one button has been double clicked the others seem better but I did have some instances where I had to double click again to get the file select window to appear.

Using IE, pressing F12 - netwok - start capture, shows URL Method Result Type Received Taken Initiator
/contract/edit-contract POST 200 text/html 17.12 KB 0.51 s JS Library XMLHttpReques each time window is opened. Nothing shown on click or 2click of file buttons.

No issues in Firefox.

shaunfreeman commented 11 years ago

Please note with thhis fix.

the error wasn't on the server, that is why no errors were showing up. The error was IE9 refusing to upload the files and was not sending the request.

IE9 file upload buttons some only seem to work if you click the right hand side. I had to remove the onClick on the peusdo file input above the button as IE9 will no longer allow this! recent updates to IE9.

This was a real pain to fix as IE9 only showed an 'access denied' error, what! and the lack of real debugging tools for this non modern, non comforming to standards buggy browser.

paulmallett commented 11 years ago

IE is on a very large proportion of PCs in corporate use, so I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, sorry.

As I often say to Eddie, 'you can't alter reality to meet your expectations'.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Good grief. This is rather a waste of time but could it be something to do with a length - the shorter buttons are OK on the far left, the longer ones not. Guess - there is a fixed/max length of clickable area on the right. We may neeed Text and a Button - e.g. "Contract (Client Signed) File: | Choose | (the Choose is the button.)

shaunfreeman commented 11 years ago

I will try smaller buttons and text.