The mono audio input still sounds jittery. I heard this same jittery sound when capturing mono audio as stereo (arecord without -c 1 option) and forwarding this to snapcast.
What works:
sudo arecord -r 44100 -f S16_LE -D hw:1,0 > /tmp/snapfifo
What does not work:
sudo ./cpiped -c 1 -d hw:1,0 /tmp/snapfifo
I tried to get single channel input to work in my fork, but I could not get it to work.
The mono audio input still sounds jittery. I heard this same jittery sound when capturing mono audio as stereo (arecord without -c 1 option) and forwarding this to snapcast.
What works:
sudo arecord -r 44100 -f S16_LE -D hw:1,0 > /tmp/snapfifo
What does not work:sudo ./cpiped -c 1 -d hw:1,0 /tmp/snapfifo