[x] Write comments in your code in English, it will make it easier for others to contribute
[ ] Provide a minimal data set for testing
[x] Put the plugin into the appropriate menu (Vector, Raster, Web, Database)
[x] Before publishing a new plugin, check if it duplicates existing functionality and explore collaboration possibilities
[x] Make your plugin work on all supported platforms (Windows, Linux, macOs)
[x] Don't rename the plugin title just because it's upgraded to a newer version like QGIS 3
[x] Check if source code uploaded to the QGIS plugin repo as zip is identical to "Code repository" indicated in metadata.txt
[x] Mention any requirements, dependencies and restrictions in the description text section (which can be multi-line). Examples of requirements, dependencies and restrictions are, if the plugin is running only on selected platforms, requires SW to be installed separately or some user account, but also if the plugin is spatially covering just some countries or regions.