b-morgan / Skillet

World of Warcraft addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improve performance of Skillet:GetInventory() #14

Closed DDCorkum closed 3 years ago

DDCorkum commented 3 years ago



Proposed Solution: The code chunk below rewrites GetInventory() to make the following optimizations:

I haven't tested this extensively, but if it works then this might shave a few hundred milliseconds from every craft operation. That's just enough that a user might perceive the difference.

-- function Skillet:GetInventory()
    -- locals used inside the function for performance reasons
    local cachedCount, cachedTime = {}, {} -- avoid calling GetItemCount() many times in the same frame
    local data = {} -- avoid making and tossing many tables

    function Skillet:GetInventory(player, reagentID)
        --DA.DEBUG(0,"GetInventory("..tostring(player)..", "..tostring(reagentID)..")")
        local numCanUse
        if player and reagentID then
            if player == self.currentPlayer then            -- UnitName("player")
                if GetTime() == cachedTime[reagentID] then
                    numCanUse = cachedCount[reagentID] 
                    numCanUse = GetItemCount(reagentID,true)
                    cachedCount[reagentID] = numCanUse
                    cachedTime[reagentID] = GetTime()
            if self.db.realm.inventoryData[player] and self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID] then
                --DA.DEBUG(1,"inventoryData= "..tostring(self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID]))
                data[1], data[2], data[3] = string.split(" ", self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID])
                --if numCanUse and data[1] and tonumber(numCanUse) ~= tonumber(data[1]) then
                    --DA.DEBUG(0,"inventoryData is stale")
                return tonumber(data[1]) or 0, data2 and tonumber(data[2]) or 0, data3 and tonumber(data[3]) or 0
            elseif player == self.currentPlayer then    -- UnitName("player")
                return tonumber(numCanUse) or 0, 0, 0
        return 0, 0, 0      -- have, make, make with vendor
DDCorkum commented 3 years ago

Another alternative...

    local cacheBoth, cacheBags = {}, {}
    local time = 0

    function Skillet:GetItemCount(reagentID, includeBank)
        local newTime = GetTime()
        if newTime > time then
            time = newTime
        if (includeBank) then
            cacheBoth[reagentID] = cacheBoth[reagentID] or GetItemCount(reagentID, true)
            return cacheBoth[reagentID]
            cacheBags[reagentID] = cacheBags[reagentID] or GetItemCount(reagentID, false)
            return cacheBags[reagentID]

Now change every instance of GetItemCount() to Skillet:GetItemCount() and cached results will be used across all counts.

This is actually my recommended solution over the original, because it shares the cached result across the whole addon. However, the data[1], data[2], data[3] = string.split... trick in the original post is still worth doing to avoid creating and discarding many tables.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

The only problem with this approach is that during crafting, I had people complain if the counts didn't change in realtime. I guess that means there should be an option for selecting speed or accuracy.

DDCorkum commented 3 years ago

My suggestions are not meant to stop updating in real time; just to more efficiently do so by not calling GetItemCount(x) many times in the same split second for the same value of x.

For example, every alchemist recipe requires a vial. If you call GetItemCount(180732) then it will take some tiny fraction of a second for the game to count all the rune-etched vials in the bags. If you call GetItemCount(180732) a hundred times, then it will take a hundred tiny fractions of a second. It adds up!

So instead, just call it once and then save the value. Use the saved value the other 99 times.

But one second later -- even just one millisecond later -- make sure to call GetItemCount() again to get the new value.

DDCorkum commented 3 years ago

PS. I would absolutely not recommend a solution that reduces accuracy. That would be very frustrating to users!

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

The function InventoryScan builds a cache of item counts so this version of GetInventory avoids the call to GetItemCount unless absolutely necessary.

function Skillet:GetInventory(player, reagentID)
    --DA.DEBUG(0,"GetInventory("..tostring(player)..", "..tostring(reagentID)..")")
    if player and reagentID then
        if self.db.realm.inventoryData[player] and self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID] then
            --DA.DEBUG(1,"inventoryData= "..tostring(self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID]))
            local have, make, mwv = string.split(" ", self.db.realm.inventoryData[player][reagentID])
            return tonumber(have) or 0, tonumber(make) or 0, tonumber(mwv) or 0
        elseif player == self.currentPlayer then
            return GetItemCount(reagentID,true) or 0, 0, 0
    return 0, 0, 0      -- have, make, make with vendor

I believe rather than optimize GetItemCount, we should figure out how to reduce the number of times the higher level functions are called. You can see what I mean by enabling debugging ("/skillet debugshow on"). If you don't want to watch all that chat, "/skillet debuglogging on" instead and examine the per character saved variables file Skillet.lua. Note that "/skillet debugshow" is a toggle but once debuglogging has been turned on, you have to explicitly turn it off.

DDCorkum commented 3 years ago

I see what you did. Flipped the GetItemCount() toward the end of the function so its used when useful, rather than being called every time.

I think that's a good solution. It looks like the only real downside is the loss of info for your debugging; but that was commented out anyways so its not a big deal.

have/make/mwv is also a good alternative to the table. That should cut down on garbage collection a little.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

The debugging info was useful when I was actually debugging an issue which has since been fixed. If I need it, I'll add it again. I tend to leave debugging statements in place but commented out because if I have an issue in the future, its quicker to uncomment the statements than to reinvent them.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

Skillet-4.27-beta has incorporated the GetInventory changes.