b-morgan / Skillet

World of Warcraft addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 5 forks source link

Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2608: attempt to index local 'reagent' (a nil value) #18

Closed Galthariel closed 3 years ago

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Using Version 4.28

40x Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2608: attempt to index local 'reagent' (a nil value) [string "@Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:2608: in function `ReagentButtonOnClick'

Locals: self =

{ DeleteIgnoreEntry = defined @Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:159 RecipeGroupPruneList = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:506 SkillButton_NewGroup = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2220 guildText = 0 ClearQueue = defined @Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:223 RecipeGroupInitFlatten = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:362 RecipeGroupConstructDBString = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:482 SkilletShow = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:967 DisplayShoppingList = defined @Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:1129 ShowQueueView = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3447 ReagentStarsFrame_OnMouseEnter = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3598 SKILL_LINES_CHANGED = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:803 ScheduleTimer = defined @Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:94 FilterDropDown_OnShow = defined @Skillet\UI\Filtering.lua:25 GARRISON_TRADESKILL_NPC_CLOSED = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:924 hideTrivialRecipes = false SetTradeSkillLearned = defined @Skillet\SkilletData.lua:297 guildbankQueryComplete = defined @Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:461 RecipeGroupSort = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:340 EnableResize = defined @Skillet\UI\Utils.lua:72 db =
{ } bankBusy = false UpdateNotesWindow = defined @Skillet\UI\RecipeNotes.lua:116 SetEnabledState = defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:424 SkilletShowWindow = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1031 AdditionalButtonsList =
{ } CHAT = defined @Skillet\DebugAids.lua:65 HideOptionalList = defined @Skillet\UI\OptionalList.lua:226 IgnoreList_OnScroll = defined @Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:262 SortDropdown_OnLoad = defined @Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua:488 pluginsOptions =
{ } UnregisterAllEvents = defined @Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174 RecipeGroupFlatten = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:378 FinishChange = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1218 FavoriteButton_OnClick = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2299 SkilletShowGuildCrafters = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3167 ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:928 ShowReagentDetails = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3149 bopCheck = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1607 CHAT_MSG_SKILL = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:795 SkillExpandButton_OnClick = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2397 TABLE = defined @Skillet\DebugAids.lua:313 FixBugs = true Unhook = defined @Ace3\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:418 InventoryFilterButton_OnShow = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2738 SetTradeSkillToolTip = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1515 LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:812 ToggleTradeSkillOption = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1515 L =
{ } button_count = 27 RemoveFromQueue = defined @Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:207 UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = defined @Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:549 emptyCategoriesToAdd =
{ } TradeSkillAutoTarget =
{ } Tr

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

There is not enough information here to determine the cause of this error. Since the error occurs as a result of a click, I need at least a screenshot before the fatal click. What profession, what recipe, what reagent? I will also need the global saved variables file Skillet.lua and the character name (if a screenshot is not provided). Since this has occurred 40 times, any other context would be useful.

There's a good chance that this still won't be enough and we will need to enable Skillet's debugging (perhaps with a special build).

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Profession is Leatherworking and now that you mentioned it happened 40 times my guess is that the issue happened when I made the Heavy Desolate Leather because was the only recipe I used yesterday and I made 40 of it. Character name is Galthariel-Uther and here is the lua file. Skillet.zip

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

Based on the lua error report, it appears that the Skillet frame was open, the recipe Heavy Desolate Leather was clicked on the recipe (left) side, and the reagent Desolate Leather was clicked (40 times) on the detail (right) side. That scenario doesn't make sense. This is a very simple recipe with one reagent, Desolate Leather x 10. The Skillet database you attached doesn't show anything out of the ordinary with regards to this recipe.

I need Skillet debugging output after you make a change to the source code. In `...\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua please remove the "--" from the beginning of line 2594. Type "/skillet debugshow on" and attempt to recreate the error (only need to make one). If you do recreate it (I wouldn't be surprised if you can't), then I will need the per character saved variables file Skillet.lua from Galthariel.

The only other thing I can do is to add some paranoia to the code to prevent this lua error from happening.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

Here's a copy of MainFrame.lua with some paranoia checks and debugs added:


Galthariel commented 3 years ago

can you please tell me what steps you want me to do?

1 - Should I try to create more Heavy Desolate Leather before use your MainFrame.lua file? 2 - I'm guessing I only need to replace the current MainFrame.lua by the one you post it the previous msg correct? Probably saving the original one first 3 - Send you the new error (if happens) and the updated Skillet.lua?


Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Just made 5x Heavy Desolate Leather without using your MainFrame.lua and error did not happened. Should I let it go and keep an eye on it?

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

I hate intermittent errors! My modified MainFrame.lua doesn't change the logic but will prevent the lua error from happening again. It will instead capture additional information if debugging is enabled. As I think about it, that won't help us much as you won't know if it happens again so I probably should implement it differently with a warning message you can see.


Install this one (no need to save the old one) and type "/skillet debuglogging on", "/skillet tabledump on", "/skillet warnshow". This will write the debug output to your character specific saved variables file, Skillet.lua. The output is limited so only the most recent data will be captured. There is minimal overhead (I run this way all the time). If this error occurs again, there will be a warning message sent to chat instead of a lua error.

"/skillet debugstatus" will show you the current settings and "/skillet debugoff" will turn debugging off completely.

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Perfect. Will do that and keep you posted :-)

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Ok..this happened just after I was trying to change the amount of Desolate Leather I want to make (not clicking the arrows which works just fine). The number stays 1 and doesn't let me change . Skillet.lua_Plus_Screenshot.zip

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

You were changing the amount while you were crafting? Can you give me the entire sequence of steps? I need to get a reproducible case so I can test any changes I make.

I think I know what's going on. Skillet allocates a fixed number of slots for reagents (including optional reagents) and I just changed that number from 8 to 12 because some engineering recipes with optional reagents have more than 8 reagents. While the empty buttons are hidden, they are "behind" the controls and as such are being "clicked" while you are using the controls.

Now that I check for valid inputs, it should be no harm, no foul. Does anything unexpected happen other than the warning message? If so, stretch the Skillet frame taller and this should go away.

What I should do is make the detail section of the frame scrollable because I'm running into more and more cases where there is more information displayed that it can hold.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

NVM, Skillet-4.29-alpha1 fixes this problem by hiding and disabling the unused buttons.

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

I know you said NVM however here is the step by step. Wasn't trying to change the amount while crafting or even clicking in any of the arrows (+1 or +10) when the error happened. Before I click the "Create" button I use to type the amount I want in the little box instead of using the arrows. I was trying to click that little box when the error happened and I was not able to use the little box and had to use the +1 and +10 arrows

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

The change I made should fix the buttons from being hijacked by unused reagent buttons. Stretching the Skillet frame would also fix it. Let me know if it doesn't.

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Just tested the new version and while I don't get any errors neither in chat or BugSack I can't type the quantity of an item I want to make (cursor is there and it seems I can click and type however it doesn't work) and I can only use the arrow (+1 or +10) to set the quantity. If is intended I'm good and I can start using the arrows from now on. Just want to let you know :-)


b-morgan commented 3 years ago

It works for me but the size of the text box is much larger than the size of the area sensitive to clicks to gain focus. The same thing is happening to the button next to the text box which will set the count back to one when clicked. You can see that there's an alignment issue with the clear button because it lights up when (it thinks) the mouse is over the button.

I'll look into why these controls are behaving this way when the buttons to increase/decrease the count seem to be sensitive over their entire visible area.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

Just tested Skillet-Classic and this text area and the clear button behave "normally". You can click anywhere within the visible area or mouseover the entire button.

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

This inability to click in the text box appears to be a side effect of the additional reagent buttons. If you increase the vertical size of the frame, the text box and the clear button start to behave normally. I need to understand why the "Queue All", "Queue", "Create All" and "Create" buttons aren't affected.

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

I even disabled all my addons to make sure that nothing is interfering and nope...typing the amount I want doesn't work. Like I said not a big deal or issue since I can always use the arrow buttons to set the amount I want. Just though you want to know this is happening. Happy to help test anything you want/need :-)

b-morgan commented 3 years ago

I think I've fixed it in Skillet-4.29-alpha2 available momentarily. Let me know if it works for you.

Galthariel commented 3 years ago

Fixed :-)