b-morgan / Skillet

World of Warcraft addon
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 5 forks source link

Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua:407: attempt to concatenate field 'currentTrade' (a nil value) #31

Closed Thrumbar closed 2 years ago

Thrumbar commented 2 years ago


25x Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua:407: attempt to concatenate field 'currentTrade' (a nil value) [string "@Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua"]:407: in function `SortAndFilterRecipes' [string "@Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:2411: in function `SkillExpandButton_OnClick' [string "*:OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1> Locals: self = { DeleteIgnoreEntry = defined @Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:159 VendorItemAvailable = defined @Skillet\Inventory.lua:269 SkillButton_NewGroup = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2231 modules =
{ } ClearQueue = defined @Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:223 RecipeGroupInitFlatten = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:362 MERCHANT_UPDATE = defined @Skillet\UI\MerchantWindow.lua:192 SkilletShow = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1064 DisplayShoppingList = defined @Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:1129 ShowQueueView = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3450 ReagentStarsFrame_OnMouseEnter = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3601 SKILL_LINES_CHANGED = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:809 SetSelectedTrade = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1434 FilterDropDown_OnShow = defined @Skillet\UI\Filtering.lua:25 GARRISON_TRADESKILL_NPC_CLOSED = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:930 hideTrivialRecipes = false SetTradeSkillLearned = defined @Skillet\SkilletData.lua:235 guildbankQueryComplete = defined @Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:461 RecipeGroupSort = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:340 EnableResize = defined @Skillet\UI\Utils.lua:72 db =
{ } bankBusy = false UpdateNotesWindow = defined @Skillet\UI\RecipeNotes.lua:116 SetEnabledState = defined @DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:424 SkilletShowWindow = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1128 AdditionalButtonsList =
{ } RescanBags = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1185 HideOptionalList = defined @Skillet\UI\OptionalList.lua:226 IgnoreList_OnScroll = defined @Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:277 SortDropdown_OnLoad = defined @Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua:487 pluginsOptions =
{ } NewModule = defined @DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:235 RecipeGroupFlatten = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:378 RecipeGroupMoveEntry = defined @Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:237 FavoriteButton_OnClick = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2310 ReagentButtonSkillSelect = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2584 ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:934 ShowReagentDetails = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3151 bopCheck = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1604 CHAT_MSG_SKILL = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:801 ShoppingList_OnScroll = defined @Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:1122 SetSelectedSkill = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1443 FixBugs = true Unhook = defined @Decursive\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:418 InventoryFilterButton_OnShow = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2756 SetTradeSkillToolTip = defined @Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1512 SetTradeSkill = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1325 ToggleTradeSkillOption = defined @Skillet\Skillet.lua:1612 L =
{ } button_count = 27 RemoveFromQueue = defined @Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:207 DisplayIgnoreList = defined @Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:284 emptyCategoriesToAdd =
{ } TradeSkillAutoTarget =
b-morgan commented 2 years ago

I suspect that you have a corrupted install of Skillet or a major conflict with another addon.

Please download Skillet-4.36 from here, verify the MD5 checksum, manually install it, and try again.

If it still fails, please disable all other addons and try one more time.

If it still fails, then I'll need you to enable Skillet debugging, create a single failure, and then upload the data for me to analyze. I'll give further instructions if we get to this point.

Thrumbar commented 2 years ago
