b-rodrigues / rix

Reproducible development environments for R with Nix
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`with_nix()`: [future idea] maybe collect the log levels #186

Open philipp-baumann opened 1 week ago

philipp-baumann commented 1 week ago

Currently, a lot of messaging in with_nix() is controlled by helper functions and mainly by the message_type argument. Usually these are printed or not at the appropriate computation steps. Another option would be to collect all messages at a certain log level and print a selection of relevant steps to the console at the end of the with_nix() call. This might give better fine-grained control over messaging, but we will have to see if the slight extra complexity is worth it.

cc @b-rodrigues what we discussed at the Luxembourg meeting last week :-) just keep it as a track record issue. We can close it later if we think it is unnecessary.