b00f / dana

Dana, Symbol of Wisdom
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error after trying to use the compiled version #3

Closed M4K14 closed 11 months ago

M4K14 commented 6 years ago

The procedure entry point _ZNSt18condition_variable4waitERSt11unique_lockISt5mutexE could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc -6.dll.

b00f commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have windows. I try to fix it soon. Sorry for inconvenience.

b00f commented 6 years ago

Hi. Thanks for using Dana. I have published new installer for windows. It's automatically built. Please check the release page for downloading it. Let me know if you don't have any problem using it, then I can close this issue. https://github.com/b00f/dana/releases/tag/v1.3