b00t0x / GPD-WIN-Max-Hackintosh

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Ventura bluetooth fix, controller as mouse and sd card improvements #8

Closed postkevone closed 1 year ago

postkevone commented 1 year ago

I was able to fix the bluetooth on Ventura by following this guide and using these kexts IntelBluetooth_winmax.zip.

Add the following keys in the NVRAM>add>7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 section of your config.plist
bluetoothInternalControllerInfo: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000
bluetoothExternalDongleFailed: 00
Set the Type to DATA.
Restart the system and reset NVRAM twice.

I was also able to get 360Controller driver working by using the latest alpha version and by disabling sip. Better mouse movement with the controller than Voodoo can be achieved by using Enjoyable, which works flawlessly.

I also want to reccomend an app called Jettison which ejects the SD card before sleep or shutdown. With this you can keep your SD card always inside without worrying about damaging it

b00t0x commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the information.

By https://github.com/acidanthera/BrcmPatchRAM/pull/31, it looks like the next release of BlueToolFixup will not require NVRAM fix.

To support Sonoma, I'm planning to update the repository when OpenCore 0.9.4 and BlueToolFixup 2.6.8 comes out.

b00t0x commented 1 year ago

Updated kexts with #9. I also included the 360Controller.kext in the EFI so there is no need to disable SIP.