b0o / blender.nvim

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Show integrated Terminal in Dap UI #4

Open aditiapratama opened 3 weeks ago

aditiapratama commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, thank you for the wonderful plugin. I use it daily for development.

Anyway, is there a way to integrate the running termina to dap ui just like repl?

The floating window is cool but I like to view the console in bottom split.

Thank you.

b0o commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, glad you're finding it useful! If you close the floating Blender.nvim window by pressing escape, you should be able to show just the DAP REPL with :DapToggleRepl.

b0o commented 2 weeks ago

Oh I think I misunderstood your message, you're talking about this buffer, not the repl?


You're wanting to see the stdout from the Blender process? I suppose we could add a command to open it in a separate window.

aditiapratama commented 2 weeks ago

Oh I think I misunderstood your message, you're talking about this buffer, not the repl?


You're wanting to see the stdout from the Blender process? I suppose we could add a command to open it in a separate window.

Yes this is correct, I want to edit while show the log output