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Tests fail on Travis #6

Open tomek-he-him opened 9 years ago

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago


Namely here:

  The CLI program:  `doxie --<plugin>` fails having received empty input
    ✓ with a helpful message
    ✗ exit code matched
       operator: equal
       expected: 1
       actual:   0
       at: ChildProcess.onExit (/home/travis/build/studio-b12/doxie/node_modules/tape-spawn/index.js:42:56)
  The CLI program:  `doxie --<plugin>` fails having received invalid JSON
    ✓ with a helpful message
    ✗ exit code matched
       operator: equal
       expected: 1
       actual:   0
       at: ChildProcess.onExit (/home/travis/build/studio-b12/doxie/node_modules/tape-spawn/index.js:42:56)

On my machine (Fedora 21 x64) everything passes smoothly as of @14bcf4e – the child process fails with 1 as it should.

tomek-he-him commented 9 years ago

All tests using tape-spawn are broken on Travis as of @8958ea5: https://travis-ci.org/studio-b12/doxie/jobs/67392180

They pass on my machine and on the machines of @jimmyjjames and @stoeffel (Fedora and Mac OS X).

Perhaps it’s a bug in tape-spawn. Perhaps with Travis. We’ll need to look into it. For now we have to disable them.