Xliffie should support Xcode's localisation format.
The old version of Xcode outputs .xliff files by their locale name in the same directory, something like /MyApp/de.xliff/MyApp/ja.xliff.
To support this folder structure, Xliffie has the following behaviours:
You can open the outer directory (/MyApp in the above example), instead of just individual files. All the .xliff files inside the folder (recursively) will be opened.
It associates multiple .xliff files into a single window if they are in the same directory
This allows user to "translate between target languages". For example:
/MyApp/de.xliff is en -> de
/MyApp/ja.xliff is en -> ja.
The translator can edit the files with de -> ja or ja -> de.
Combining both behaviours, you can expect when you open a folder with Xliffie, all the .xliff will be opened within a single window, and the translations are associated.
In the new version of Xcode, the output folder structure is changed:
This issue is about:
[ ] Support opening the .xcloc folders, the behaviour should be the same as opening the inner .xliff file.
[ ] Double click on the folder should open Xliffie
[ ] Associate multiple .xcloc folders to the same window, just like how xliff files are associated
[ ] The app should still be able to support the old folder structure
Xliffie should support Xcode's localisation format.
The old version of Xcode outputs .xliff files by their locale name in the same directory, something like
.To support this folder structure, Xliffie has the following behaviours:
in the above example), instead of just individual files. All the .xliff files inside the folder (recursively) will be opened./MyApp/de.xliff
isen -> de
isen -> ja
.de -> ja
orja -> de
.Combining both behaviours, you can expect when you open a folder with Xliffie, all the .xliff will be opened within a single window, and the translations are associated.
In the new version of Xcode, the output folder structure is changed:
This issue is about: