b13 / warmup

Warms up some TYPO3 caches via CLI
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Don´t work with Typo3 V10.4.8 #5

Open heural opened 3 years ago

heural commented 3 years ago

PHP Fatal error: Declaration of class@anonymous::isEnvironmentInFrontendMode() must be compatible with TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentService::isEnvironmentInFrontendMode(): bool in /bigdisk/typo3/vhosts/fotoquelle/packages/warmup/Classes/FrontendRequestBuilder.php on line 55

Fixing this with: $environmentService = new class extends EnvironmentService { public function isEnvironmentInFrontendMode() : bool { return true; } public function isEnvironmentInBackendMode() : bool { return false; } public function isEnvironmentInCliMode() : bool { return false; } };

the next error is:

Uncaught TYPO3 Exception Too few arguments to function TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher::__construct(), 0 passed in /bigdisk/typo3/vhosts/fotoquelle/packages/warmup/Classes/FrontendRequestBuilder.php on line 70 and exactly 2 expected thrown in file /bigdisk/typo3/vhosts/fotoquelle/web/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/SignalSlot/Dispatcher.php in line 296

sbuerk commented 2 years ago

duplicate of #3.

The first issue with the :bool return types should be fixed with f992b15d4c1e578203a1148e4ba38fc85d9d99eb - or not ?

The second I cannot say, anyway with latest tag it works for us without error on 10.4.23