Closed re1ard closed 4 years ago
plus voice error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/gevent/", line 766, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/holster-2.0.0-py3.6.egg/holster/", line 72, in call return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/disco_py-0.0.13rc2-py3.6.egg/disco/voice/", line 238, in on_voice_codecs self.transport_id = data['media_session_id'] KeyError: 'media_session_id' 2020-10-29T18:17:38Z <Greenlet at 0x7fa973e1f748: <holster.emitter.EmitterSubscription object at 0x7fa9729d5d68>({'video_codec': None, 'audio_codec': 'opus'})> failed with KeyError
Not even going to look at this since your just posting logs without any further information or code. Could not find cls errors are from unhandled events in the library, we do not support INTEGRATION_UPDATE
. If you want to use that event or don't want the error you will have to make manual modifications to the library.
Voice support was never finalized and isn't supported as of the recent versions of the library. You should look into using something like lavalink or telecom.
error #1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/gevent/", line 766, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/holster-2.0.0-py3.6.egg/holster/", line 72, in call return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/disco_py-0.0.13rc2-py3.6.egg/disco/gateway/", line 98, in handle_dispatch obj = GatewayEvent.from_dispatch(self.client, packet) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/disco_py-0.0.13rc2-py3.6.egg/disco/gateway/", line 42, in from_dispatch raise Exception('Could not find cls for {} ({})'.format(data['t'], data)) Exception: Could not find cls for INVITE_CREATE ({'t': 'INVITE_CREATE', 's': 28832, 'op': 0, 'd': {'uses': 0, 'temporary': False, 'max_uses': 0, 'max_age': 86400, 'inviter': {'username': '', 'public_flags': 256, 'id': '', 'discriminator': '', 'avatar': ''}, 'guild_id': '', 'created_at': '2020-10-29T19:12:54.952213+00:00', 'code': '', 'channel_id': ''}}) 2020-10-29T19:12:55Z <Greenlet at 0x7fa971a76848: <holster.emitter.EmitterSubscription object at 0x7fa9b597ae10>({'t': 'INVITE_CREATE', 's': 28832, 'op': 0, 'd': {)> failed with Exception
error #2: Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/gevent/", line 766, in File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/holster-2.0.0-py3.6.egg/holster/", line 72, in call return self.callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/disco_py-0.0.13rc2-py3.6.egg/disco/gateway/", line 98, in handle_dispatch obj = GatewayEvent.from_dispatch(self.client, packet) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/disco_py-0.0.13rc2-py3.6.egg/disco/gateway/", line 42, in from_dispatch raise Exception('Could not find cls for {} ({})'.format(data['t'], data)) Exception: Could not find cls for INTEGRATION_UPDATE ({'t': 'INTEGRATION_UPDATE', 's': 27748, 'op': 0, 'd': {'user': {'username': '', 'public_flags': 64, 'id': '', 'discriminator': '8717', 'avatar': ''}, 'type': 'twitch', 'syncing': False, 'synced_at': '2020-10-29T19:00:32.667662+00:00', 'subscriber_count': 1, 'role_id': '', 'revoked': False, 'name': '', 'id': '', 'expire_grace_period': 1, 'expire_behavior': 0, 'enabled': True, 'enableemoticons': True, 'account': {'name': 'nymi', 'id': ''}, 'guild_id': ''}}) 2020-10-29T19:00:32Z <Greenlet at 0x7fa973dbbb48: <holster.emitter.EmitterSubscription object at 0x7fa9b597ae10>({'t': 'INTEGRATION_UPDATE', 's': 27748, 'op': 0, ')> failed with Exception
error #3: not available event INVITE_DELETE