b2network / b2-node

Ethermint is a Cosmos SDK library for running scalable and interoperable EVM chains
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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commit transaction with inspection #4

Closed zhouop0 closed 7 months ago

zhouop0 commented 8 months ago

inscribe something in transaction

reference: https://medium.com/@quentangle/源码讲解-ordinals-inscription铸造过程解析-2bc37bb7f67b



How to understand the Taproot transaction process? https://newbtcworld.medium.com/how-to-understand-the-taproot-transaction-process-48d2d21afeab

ordinals and inscriptions https://solidity.io/blog/ordinals-and-inscriptions-the-backbone-of-brc-20-tokens-explained