Open null-routed opened 3 years ago
Also, since I got this issue this morning, I'm unable to launch my script regardless of my account being fully functional, both on browser and phone. The API manages to log in correctly but it crashes due to
{"message": "feedback_required", "spam": true, "feedback_title": "Try Again Later", "feedback_message": "We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.", "feedback_url": "repute/report_problem/scraping/", "feedback_appeal_label": "Tell us", "feedback_ignore_label": "OK", "feedback_action": "report_problem", "status": "fail"}
However, I'm able to visit this endpoint on browser even after loggin in so it looks like they flagged one of the headers maybe.
EDIT: I'm not sure why but for this specific issue, I had to include "ds_user_id" in the cookies jar. I fixed it by editing line 179 to the following:
self.userId = login_response.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('ds_user_id=')[1].split(';')[0]
self.cookie = "sessionid=" + self.sessionid + "; csrftoken=" + self.csrf_token + ";" + 'ds_user_id=' + self.userId + ";"
That cookie is probably not necessary in most cases but apparently it was in mine, so I reckon it wouldn't hurt to edit the code to add it for everyone.
@null-routed, Thanks for the feedback! Do you know how many requests you sent? I think this information could be useful to others.
@null-routed Can you send a pull request, then it'll be easier for me to review? Thanks for opening the issue, have a nice day!!
First of all, thanks @b31ngD3v for building this API. I recently built a quick script to view accounts' stories in loop. Here's the code
After a few minutes, my script gets detected and I'm required to change my instagram password due to "a suspiscious login attempt". Does anyone know what IG's rate limits are & what my sleep times should be in order not to run into this?