Closed online002 closed 3 years ago
Sorry I didn't get you, can you explain a bit more, What's the issue ?
due to frequent requests, instagram responds in json that this is spam, you can do so that the code does not break off and return spam with a message
Thank you for your suggestion, surely I'll add this error handling to the next version. Thanks again.
if it doesn't make it difficult, you can write recommendations for timers to avoid spam ban
Need a bit help from you, can you tell me when you get this type of response and what (type of task) you're performing then ?
from myigbot import MyIGBot
import random
bot = MyIGBot('login', 'pass')
akk = 'livesound_official'
followers_count = bot.user_followers_count(akk)
def private():
lst_follow = bot.user_followers(akk, limit=followers_count)
for i in lst_follow:
time.sleep(random.randint(10, 11))
private = bot.private_user(i)
if private == True:
print(i, private)
MAN! I didn't know my api is that powerful. It successfully grabbed 66,000 usernames 😳.
please add error handling when returning json smap {"message": "", "spam": true, "status": "fail"}
eg try follow_count = json.loads (response) ['graphql'] ['user'] ['edge_follow'] ['count'] except
follow_count = json.loads (response) ['spam']