b3dgs / lionheart-remake

Java remake of Lionheart amiga game
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Java Open JDK Platform Binary after End of Game in Task #358

Closed Commodusaurel closed 10 months ago

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

After the end of the game, the "OpenJDK Platform Binary" is located in the task manager.

With every new game start, another task is added, which swallows up to 400MB of RAM.

Why isn't this cleared at the end of the game?


DjThunder commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce it. Can you start with a fresh boot, just launch the game, quit from menu and check. Then same after started a stage.

Can you check in your "temp" folder the .lionengine file content ?

Thanks !

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I can't reproduce it anymore either. Now the "OpenJDK Platform Binary" in the task manager is closed after the end of the game or configuration. I don't know why this error occurred. This ticket can probably be closed.

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

10 minutes after the end of the game I still had "OpenJDK Platform Binary" in the task manager, which occupied 265MB. I don't know why this task doesn't always close. So please don't close it

DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Something may be running in background (such as a music task, even without music, or another process; but I can't find what can stay alive).

If you experience it again, can you download: https://visualvm.github.io/download.html (zip) Simply run it, double click on AppLionheart (list on left) when problem occurs, go to "threads" tab, and send me a screen, or tell me what is in Green, Yellow or Orange/Brown.

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

I installed the Java Development Kit and the recommended VisualVM216. Then I started Lionheart1.3.0 and clicked Lionheart in VisualVM216. I found only one thread dump. I put that in the attachment. Everything else is beyond my means.

I can only say that I usually have to manually remove the "OpenJDK Platform Binary" from the task manager, since Java does not close itself after the game ends. Path: /data/jre_win32-x86_64/bin/javaw.exe

Lionheart_Threaddump.txt Taskmanager_10Min_after_GameEnd

My OS: WIN 11 22H2

DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Thx a lot. Can you check .lionengine file in your %TMP% folder ? And also your preferences (game folder, data, assets, lionheart.properties) Is the loading time fast (few seconds) ?

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

Gamefolder= please refer Log Loading Time = 3 seconds


Lionheart_Properties I run the game at 50 Hz instead of 144 Hz on my second monitor. The monitor is also set to 50Hz.


DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Indeed, you experienced a crash at 2023-05-25 08:52. I guess it was this instance you saw in your tasks, as in this case, it may be not correctly stopped. I will fix that, and I will also try to understand why it crashed on startup. Do you remember something ?

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

Yes, I only had Java installed, not the Java Development Kit, and tried to start VisualVM and Lionheart, it crashed. My mistake! That has nothing to do with the problem.

DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Can you override the file in data/ with this one: https://lionheart.b3dgs.com/files/1.3.1/patch/lionheart-pc-1.3.0.jar And if you experience it again, use visualvm (threadump) again (I will have more information on what can be guilty).

Note: Spider fixed in this update.

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

The problem that the TASK "OpenJDK Platform Binary" does not close automatically after the end of the game still exists with V1.3.1 (also the joypad problem with the XBOX360 controller) / Sorry....but my support is ending for now due to time constraints. Anyway thanks for everything!

Maybe I'll get back to playing more in July

DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Ok, if you can just send me a threadump with this version, it will be perfect. Anyway, thanks a lot for your time !

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

OK. I've played Lionheart twice with the XBox controller. Only after about 1 minute there was the control problem (jump + right direction blocked).

Lionheart is still active here: Lionheart_active

Here is where Lionheart ended: (A previous session of javaw.exe can still be seen in the task manager) Lionheart_inactive

The javaw.exe process does not exit after the game ends: Processe


This is the original dump with the addition.txt: threaddump-1685203048119.tdump.txt

DjThunder commented 1 year ago

Thx I found and reproduced. It was because of HQ3X filter (not closing properly).

Commodusaurel commented 1 year ago

Really? Great that you found it!