Closed Jab2870 closed 7 years ago
That means you don't have kdeconnect installed or it not running.
Thanks, i have it kdeconnect installed, how would i start it?
You may have an older version of KDE Connect. I encountered this issue while testing KDE Connect Indicator in Linux Mint 18 without adding the PPA. So I had KDE Connect 0.8, instead of 1.0.3.
Hi, thanks all,
In case anybody ever comes accross this I solved it by running the kde connect deamon first. In the case of i3, I added the following lines to my i3 config
exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/kdeconnectd
exec --no-startup-id indicator-kdeconnect
It might be a good idea to add this to the readme
@Jab2870 maybe this only happen on i3, because on other's DE the indicator-kdeconnect and kdeconnect is added to start up applications
I have this problem on Gentoo Gnome shell 3.22.2, too.
@Jab2870 error: exec: --: invalid option
@aiot-dev on Gnome Shell use the tool 'gnome-tweek-tool' to add them to start up applications.
@Bajoja 'gnome-tweak-tool' only shows KDE Connect Indicator as a startup option, for me.
@fademyke but KDEConnect already autostart with your system?
I have installed indicator-kdeconnect and tried to run it but I get an alert box that says
cannot connect to KDE Connect DBus service
I am using i3 as my window manager.
Can anybody help?