Closed varlesh closed 8 years ago
Maybe better use system folders?
Thanks for report, i already change it to system folders.
FIne. But how this worked? It's option for context menu? I'm install fresh version, but Nautilus not seen extension
Yes, it's a context menu, to work you have to have the python extension for your file manager, in your case do '''sudo apt install python-nautilus''' to install it, and then '''nautilus -q''' to restart nautilus.
it's for nautilus only, but this will be not working for caja and nemo... hm. Maybe add recommends depend python-caja, python-nautilus And what package available for nemo?
I found package name nemo-python, but not available on ubuntu repos for xenial :( I'm add as Suggests packages:
Architecture: any
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, kdeconnect
Suggests: python-nautilus, python-caja, python-nemo
Description: Indicator for KDE Connect
For nemo i think it's python-nemo, Caja on Cinamon have python extensions for Caja installed by default, other distributions without cinnamon I can not find python-caja, or any other reference to install the python caja
i'm build package for ubuntu 16.04 and available only python-nautilus
, python-caja
not available on off repos, but exist on webupd8 PPA:
So, it's not our problem :) because it's optional and added as Suggests packages
Exactly, it's not our problem because it's optional
@varlesh build the source on the ppa, i will need the deb package for 0.6 release.
@Bajoja updated:
@varlesh Thank's
CMake create extensions on
log build and package: