Closed Marukesu closed 7 years ago
elementary use libappindicator and not symbolic icons.
for libappindiactor available icons (ubuntu-mono):
It's happened because on elementary icon theme not available Inherits option:
[Icon Theme]
Comment=Smooth modern theme designed to be intuitive.
#Directory list
Add manual:
[Icon Theme]
Comment=Smooth modern theme designed to be intuitive.
Still the same, it did not work
if change icon theme to ubuntu-mono-dark on elementary-tweaks - icon kdeconnect changed on tray?
It should be used this icon:
At this time custom icons are only for ubuntu-mono, if you use a different icons theme indicator-kdeconnect will use the default of the theme, i think elementary support ubuntu-mono, just select them from your system tweak configuration.
If you want to use your custom icons, I suggest you to copy the icons on Ubuntu-mono folder to your /scalable/status/ folder of your icons, just how I made because my system don't support ubuntu-mono
In elementary, the indicator icon does not use the symbolic icon, making it ugly and inconsistent with the system, like this :