Open stone-zeng opened 5 years ago
not only this, it also seems to clash with the design of normal lower case g of FiraGO:
@stone-zeng Thanks for reporting. We’ll include it in the next update (collecting issues ...) @no-identd Yes, but these are totally different characters. The lower case g can have different shapes, due to the design of the typeface. So this one being double-storey is totally fine and not a . The "script g" (210A) literally must have a script shape (we took the "Italic" shape without angle as in 0261* which is obviously not scripty enough because the loop’s missing.)
* Also called "script g" but this one bares a loop, so at least it’s clear where the wrong shape comes from ;-)
The Script Small G
does not look like a script letter, but just a normal roman single-layer "g". Is this by design?The first column is in TeX Gyre Termes, which is a Times-like font.