bSI-InfraRoom / IFC-Tunnel-Deployment

The IFC Tunnel Deployment documentation, examples and discussions
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In which version of the IFC was the concept of multiple ifcSite introduced? #136

Closed JanErikHoel closed 1 year ago

JanErikHoel commented 1 year ago

In sprint 2_3 you are ask for ifcSite referenced to an ifcAlignment/ifcReferent.

In our implementation of IFC Export in Quadri, we have built up the UX around the concept that it only exist one ifcSite for every model/ export file. We must obviously revise this UX implementation, but before we do so, we would like to know if the concept to be tested in sprint 2_3 is valid for all IFC-versions, that is; i

Sorry I couldn't attend the introduction meeting, but now I've watched the meeting recording and start asking questions :-)