bSI-InfraRoom / IFC-Tunnel-Deployment

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Request to identify which files are suitable for testing alignments #205

Open mdavidsonESRI opened 2 months ago

mdavidsonESRI commented 2 months ago

We make use of the ODA IFC SDK and the ODA viewer for our implementations and testing.

Linked below is a TXT that lists paths to IFC files on github repos, where the files contain entries related to alignments.

These files render in the ODA viewer in ways that could be due to one or both of:

  1. An issue in the IFC file itself.
  2. An issue with the viewer tool. alignment-render-example

Can you provide any insights that help us discern which of the listed files are suitable for testing alignments so that we can better discern between items 1 and 2 above?

Link to TXT: AlignmentTestsFailed_1.txt Note: for files marked as "(uncertain)", BIMVision was able to render them.

peterrdf commented 2 months ago

Dear @mdavidsonESRI, when using the IFC Viewers based on our IFC Engine library ( the files from tunnel seem to render correctly, also the alignments even though some alignments are populated differently from what we expect from IFC4.3 ADD2 files. In the IFC4.3 files I see the alignment for at least the horizontal part going correctly, however the vertical alignment seem to be making issues in several files. Note that the ISO version of the schema for IFC4.3 is IFC4.3 ADD2 (in the IFC file IFC4X3_ADD2), there were some schemas in between these namings but the following schemas were used before the official ISO: IFC4X3_RC1, IFC4X3_RC2, IFC4X3_RC3, IFC4X3_RC4, IFC4X3, IFC4X3_ADD1. From technical perspective RC3 files and before was structure quite different, still issues in libraries for IFC4X3_RC4, IFC4X3 and IFC4X3_ADD1 can be expected as structure is slightly different, attribute are missing or added etc. So also files with schema name IFC4X3 are outdated. These files will also not validate against the bSI validation service as they are not defined against an official ISO schema, if you want to investigate these files you could use schema validation from commercial toolboxes like ODA or ours that can validate against non-official schema's also, also here you find some validators that give reports on onoffical schema versions also:

mdavidsonESRI commented 2 months ago

Hi @peterrdf, many thanks for those helpful details and insights. This has helped us whittle down the list by a good amount.

@SergejMuhic, would the tunnel team be willing to run any quality checks on the following project_team files to confirm that these files are ready for testing for import implementations targeting IFC4X3_ADD2 and later?

SergejMuhic commented 2 months ago

@mdavidsonESRI certainly, we will rerun the checks with the latest definition.