bSI-InfraRoom / IFC-infra-unit-test

IFC Infrastructure Extension Deployment unit tests (as of 2021-02-09)
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DrainageSystem-2 #18

Closed larswik closed 3 years ago

larswik commented 3 years ago

Tracker for

larswik commented 3 years ago

Dataset from Aplitop. I had a few validation errors:

larswik commented 3 years ago

From Juha: Elements/Ports/Connectivity:


javierNadal commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure about this UT. I would like get some confirmation if I'm right.

I see six IfcDistributionPort. From LandXML Struct entities with names 10, 40, 52, 122, 201 and 221. Structs with "Ditch bend" descripton are not necesary.

One IfcPipeSegment under road (LandXML Pipe 120) that connects 10 and 122 IfcDistributionPorts

And two IfcPipeFitting.JUNTION: Left Side ditch (LandXML Pipes 50, 104, 116 8): Source: IfcDistributionPort 40 and 52 Destination: IfcDistributionPort 10 Right Side ditch (LandXML Pipes 204, 206, 213, 219): Source: IfcDistributionPort 122 and 201 Destination: IfcDistributionPort 221

larswik commented 3 years ago

After discussion with Juha: It is enough to use the ditches on one side plus the culvert The structure could be (for one side plus culvert):

I will update the unit test description accordingly as well.

javierNadal commented 3 years ago


I have a preliminar version. I've done a network like "H" capital letter.

Horizontal segment is IfcPipeSegment (PredefinedType=CULVERT), with one IfcDistributionChamberElemen in each endpoint. Then 2 IfcPipeSegment (PredefinedType=USERDEFINED, ObjectType=”DITCH”) on left, and 2 2 IfcPipeSegment (PredefinedType=USERDEFINED, ObjectType=”DITCH”) on right. Validation with KIT ifcCheckingTool looks right.

By now, there is no representation. I will add it on Monday.

I have append network to old UT_SpatialStructure_4.ifc (IFC4x3_RC2) file, and included network in #165=IFCFACILITYPART(Sammalammintie Road2 intersection) Does anyone have a new IFC4x3_RC3 compliant version of UT_SpatialStructure_4.ifc? If not, I will try to update it by hand.

javierNadal commented 3 years ago

SpatialStructure_4.ifc with Drainage, representation only with polylines

pjanck commented 3 years ago

Got merged in #99