baaron4 / GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser

Binary parser for the .evtc files that arcdps generates after a boss encounter. This will generate a .html file where the results can be easily reviewed.
MIT License
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Ability to combine logs (wacky feature request) #191

Open towelcat opened 5 years ago

towelcat commented 5 years ago

I've always found the "golem speedrunning" meta for benchmarking to be a little silly and misleading, and I believe it would be much more insightful to have a mega-graph that displays the DPS of each spec over time.

Would it be possible to artificially edit .evtc files and sort of... stitch them together? And then parse that log? Not only would this be helpful for benchmarking purposes (dps over extended periods), it could also be a great tool for comparing the burst dps of each build (such as the 10-20s windows relevant at KC, or even shorter fractal/dungeon windows).

EliphasNUIT commented 5 years ago


We've had similar requests (although very "experimental" ones) in the past. It's interesting, however the situation has not changed since last time, particularly with the release of W6. We have already our hands full with single evtc files between bug fixes/reworks/requests/W6 support. I'll put it in the backlog somewhere.

If implemented, it will be surely post-parsing. Like you generate json files (we are still adding stuff to that format on our end) from each log then you give the list of json you want to merge and what you want to merge, give a window frame for each log, etc. It would be too complex to merge the raw data from the evtc file, a pre-processed state would be much simpler.

Unfortunately I can't give you an ETA for that feature, there is still much to do for single evtc files.