baaron4 / GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser

Binary parser for the .evtc files that arcdps generates after a boss encounter. This will generate a .html file where the results can be easily reviewed.
MIT License
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Command line execution of latest version throws an exception. #44

Closed LunusLupus closed 6 years ago

LunusLupus commented 6 years ago

Using the latest version normally (opening the executable and dragging files into the UI+parsing) works fine but if executed from the command line via 'GuildWars2EliteInsights.exe "filename.evtc" ', I receive the following error (losely translated from German, but the error description should be correct):

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance to an object at LuckParser.MainForm.LvFileList_AddItems(String[] filesArray) in I:\LuckParser\LuckParser\MainForm.cs:Line 288. at LuckParser.MainForm..ctor(String[] args) in I:\LuckParser\LuckParser\MainForm.cs:Line 55. at LuckParser.Profram.Main(String[] args) in I:\LuckParser\LuckParser\Program.cs:Line 27

The previous versions worked fine with the command line.

EliphasNUIT commented 6 years ago

That was a recent regression that escaped from our attention. It is already fixed in the current master branch and we should get a release soon.

EliphasNUIT commented 6 years ago

Wait I've just checked, the bug is fixed in 1.1c but present in 1.1b, can you confirm you reproduced the issue in 1.1c? (it was released soon after 1.1b)

LunusLupus commented 6 years ago

Seems like I missed the 1.1c release, my bad (only read phases and thought it was the version I had, 1.1b). Command line works fine with current version. But the naming convention seems to have changed? The files produced are now date.etvc_boss_success.html, the ".evtc" had been removed (and that's probably intended) in previous versions.

EliphasNUIT commented 6 years ago

@cordbleibaum or @QuiCM I believe this came from one of you? I believe this is an oversight but let's check with the author of the change first

EliphasNUIT commented 6 years ago

Rollback on naming convention #45 (it is as before now)