baaron4 / GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser

Binary parser for the .evtc files that arcdps generates after a boss encounter. This will generate a .html file where the results can be easily reviewed.
MIT License
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Application crashing, but it's not visible why #7

Closed Quadellupine closed 6 years ago

Quadellupine commented 6 years ago

I wish I knew why. Happens with all logs of all ages at random, if I reparse it works again. Prevents mass parsing because it constantly crashes.

baaron4 commented 6 years ago

Looks like its dieing when it start to write to the html. This is the most intensive part of the program. I can run some stress tests and see what might be the biggest cause.

baaron4 commented 6 years ago

Seems to be related to fail runs crashing in certain situations. I found one issue that mightve been the cause (A divide by max damage for boss health when no one has even done any damage) There may be more cases like this. If you encounter more please send em the evtc it fails on

Dante4 commented 6 years ago

Title same, but moment when it happens is different. Status: Reading Binary

baaron4 commented 6 years ago

Using V0.95 I was able to parse the files no problem. Would the issue be your version of windows? that almost looks like XP

Dante4 commented 6 years ago

Windows 7 x64 Pro - Classic theme with classic shell.

Don't know will it help or no, but fails in "private void parseAgentData()" inside "if " without any exception. It just stop debug and bring main window to front (not on first pass, min was 3, max was 7-8)

Dante4 commented 6 years ago

Last version fixed this for me

baaron4 commented 6 years ago

Cool mustve been one of the smaller bugs that got fixed recently.

Dante4 commented 6 years ago

This log Crash app at Writing HTML for me

It still generate HTML but i can't access some of tabs