I was working with the method BaasUser.signupWithProvider to login an user into Facebook according to the API Reference but I recieved the following exception:
Then, I tried to login using the client.rest() method, it worked fine, but it returns a JsonObject and I don't know how to convert it in a BaasUser Object.
I was working with the method BaasUser.signupWithProvider to login an user into Facebook according to the API Reference but I recieved the following exception:
"java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat com.baasbox.controllers.Social.extractOAuthTokensFromRequest(Social.java:111)\n\tat com.baasbox.controllers.Social.loginWith(Social.java:139)"
Then, I tried to login using the client.rest() method, it worked fine, but it returns a JsonObject and I don't know how to convert it in a BaasUser Object.