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Initial Update #63

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

This PR sets up on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.

Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.

Update Sphinx from 1.3.6 to 1.7.4.

Changelog ### 1.7.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4885, 4887: domains: Crashed with duplicated objects * 4889: latex: sphinx.writers.latex causes recusrive import ``` ### 1.7.3 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 4769: autodoc loses the first staticmethod parameter * 4790: autosummary: too wide two column tables in PDF builds * 4795: Latex customization via ``_templates/longtable.tex_t`` is broken * 4789: imgconverter: confused by convert.exe of Windows * 4783: On windows, Sphinx crashed when drives of srcdir and outdir are different * 4812: autodoc ignores type annotated variables * 4817: wrong URLs on warning messages * 4784: latex: :confval:`latex_show_urls` assigns incorrect footnote numbers if hyperlinks exists inside substitutions * 4837: latex with class memoir Error: Font command ``\sf`` is not supported * 4803: latex: too slow in proportion to number of auto numbered footnotes * 4838: htmlhelp: The entries in .hhp file is not ordered * toctree directive tries to glob for URL having query_string * 4871: html search: Upper characters problem in German * 4717: latex: Compilation for German docs failed with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX * 4459: duplicated labels detector does not work well in parallel build * 4878: Crashed with extension which returns invalid metadata ``` ### 1.7.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 4520: apidoc: folders with an empty are no longer excluded from TOC Bugs fixed ---------- * 4669: sphinx.build_main and sphinx.make_main throw NameError * 4685: autosummary emits meaningless warnings * autodoc: crashed when invalid options given * pydomain: always strip parenthesis if empty (refs: 1042) * 4689: autosummary: unexpectedly strips docstrings containing "i.e." * 4701: viewcode: Misplaced ``<div>`` in viewcode html output * 4444: Don't require numfig to use :numref: on sections * 4727: Option clash for package textcomp * 4725: Sphinx does not work with python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 * 4716: Generation PDF file with TexLive on Windows, file not found error * 4574: vertical space before equation in latex * 4720: message when an image is mismatched for builder is not clear * 4655, 4684: Incomplete localization strings in Polish and Chinese * 2286: Sphinx crashes when error is happens in rendering HTML pages * 4688: Error to download remote images having long URL * 4754: sphinx/pycode/ raises AttributeError * 1435: qthelp builder should htmlescape keywords * epub: Fix docTitle elements of toc.ncx is not escaped * 4520: apidoc: Subpackage not in toc (introduced in 1.6.6) now fixed * 4767: html: search highlighting breaks mathjax equations ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` ===================================== Deprecated ---------- * 4623: ``sphinx.build_main()`` is deprecated. * autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has been changed (Since 1.7.0) * 4664: ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx.debug()`` is deprecated. For more details, see `deprecation APIs list <>`_ Bugs fixed ---------- * 4608: epub: Invalid meta tag is generated * 4260: autodoc: keyword only argument separator is not disappeared if it is appeared at top of the argument list * 4622: epub: :confval:`epub_scheme` does not effect to content.opf * 4627: graphviz: Fit graphviz images to page * 4617: quickstart: PROJECT_DIR argument is required * 4623: sphinx.build_main no longer exists in 1.7.0 * 4615: The argument of ```` has been changed in 1.7.0 * autosummary: The interface of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.get_documenter()`` has been changed * 4630: Have order on msgids in sphinx.pot deterministic * 4563: autosummary: Incorrect end of line punctuation detection * 4577: Enumerated sublists with explicit start with wrong number * 4641: A external link in TOC cannot contain "?" with ``:glob:`` option * C++, add missing parsing of explicit casts and typeid in expression parsing. * C++, add missing parsing of ``this`` in expression parsing. * 4655: Fix incomplete localization strings in Polish * 4653: Fix error reporting for parameterless ImportErrors * 4664: Reading objects.inv fails again * 4662: ``any`` refs with ``term`` targets crash when an ambiguity is encountered ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 1.7.0b3 ``` * 4019: inheritance_diagram AttributeError stoping make process * 4531: autosummary: methods are not treated as attributes * 4538: autodoc: ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.Options`` has been moved * 4539: autodoc emits warnings for partialmethods * 4223: doctest: failing tests reported in wrong file, at wrong line * i18n: message catalogs are not compiled if specific filenames are given for ``sphinx-build`` as arguments (refs: 4560) * 4027: sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel now expects labels to be the same as they are in the raw source; no smart quotes, nothig fancy. * 4581: apidoc: Excluded modules still included Testing -------- ``` ### 1.7.0b2 ``` * 4415: autodoc classifies inherited classmethods as regular methods * 4415: autodoc classifies inherited staticmethods as regular methods * 4472: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS is not defined * 4491: autodoc: prefer _MockImporter over other importers in sys.meta_path * 4490: autodoc: type annotation is broken with python 3.7.0a4+ * utils package is no longer installed * 3952: apidoc: module header is too escaped * 4275: Formats accepted by sphinx.util.i18n.format_date are limited * 4493: recommonmark raises AttributeError if AutoStructify enabled * 4209: intersphinx: In link title, "v" should be optional if target has no version * 4230: slowdown in writing pages with sphinx 1.6 * 4522: epub: document is not rebuilt even if config changed ``` ### 1.7.0b1 ``` * Add support for docutils 0.14 * Add tests for the ``sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram`` extension. ``` ### 1.6.7 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 1922: html search: Upper characters problem in French * 4412: Updated jQuery version from 3.1.0 to 3.2.1 * 4438: math: math with labels with whitespace cause html error * 2437: make full reference for classes, aliased with "alias of" * 4434: pure numbers as link targets produce warning * 4477: Build fails after building specific files * 4449: apidoc: include "empty" packages that contain modules * 3917: citation labels are tranformed to ellipsis * 4501: graphviz: epub3 validation error caused if graph is not clickable * 4514: graphviz: workaround for wrong map ID which graphviz generates * 4525: autosectionlabel does not support parallel build * 3953: Do not raise warning when there is a working intersphinx inventory * 4487: math: ValueError is raised on parallel build. Thanks to jschueller. * 2372: autosummary: invalid signatures are shown for type annotated functions * 3942: html: table is not aligned to center even if ``:align: center`` ``` ### 1.6.6 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 4181: autodoc: Sort dictionary keys when possible * ``VerbatimHighlightColor`` is a new :ref:`LaTeX 'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>` key (refs: 4285) * Easier customizability of LaTeX macros involved in rendering of code-blocks * Show traceback if raises an exception (refs: 4369) * Add :confval:`smartquotes` to disable smart quotes through ```` (refs: 3967) * Add :confval:`smartquotes_action` and :confval:`smartquotes_excludes` (refs: 4142, 4357) Bugs fixed ---------- * 4334: sphinx-apidoc: Don't generate references to non-existing files in TOC * 4206: latex: reST label between paragraphs loses paragraph break * 4231: html: Apply fixFirefoxAnchorBug only under Firefox * 4221: napoleon depends on autodoc, but users need to load it manually * 2298: automodule fails to document a class attribute * 4099: C++: properly link class reference to class from inside constructor * 4267: PDF build broken by Unicode U+2116 NUMERO SIGN character * 4249: PDF output: Pygments error highlighting increases line spacing in code blocks * 1238: Support ``:emphasize-lines:`` in PDF output * 4279: Sphinx crashes with pickling error when run with multiple processes and remote image * 1421: Respect the quiet flag in sphinx-quickstart * 4281: Race conditions when creating output directory * 4315: For PDF 'howto' documents, ``latex_toplevel_sectioning='part'`` generates ``\chapter`` commands * 4214: Two todolist directives break sphinx-1.6.5 * Fix links to external option docs with intersphinx (refs: 3769) * 4091: Private members not documented without :undoc-members: ``` ### 1.6.5 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 4107: Make searchtools.js compatible with pre-Sphinx1.5 templates * 4112: Don't override the smart_quotes setting if it was already set * 4125: Display reference texts of original and translated passages on i18n warning message * 4147: Include the exception when logging PO/MO file read/write Bugs fixed ---------- * 4085: Failed PDF build from image in parsed-literal using ``:align:`` option * 4100: Remove debug print from autodoc extension * 3987: Changing theme from alabaster causes HTML build to fail * 4096: C++, don't crash when using the wrong role type. Thanks to mitya57. * 4070, 4111: crashes when the warning message contains format strings (again) * 4108: Search word highlighting breaks SVG images * 3692: Unable to build HTML if writing .buildinfo failed * 4152: HTML writer crashes if a field list is placed on top of the document * 4063: Sphinx crashes when labeling directive ``.. todolist::`` * 4134: [doc] :file:`docutils.conf` is not documented explicitly * 4169: Chinese language doesn't trigger Chinese search automatically * 1020: ext.todo todolist not linking to the page in pdflatex * 3965: New quickstart generates wrong SPHINXBUILD in Makefile * 3739: ``:module:`` option is ignored at content of pyobjects * 4149: Documentation: Help choosing :confval:`latex_engine` * 4090: [doc] :confval:`latex_additional_files` with extra LaTeX macros should not use ``.tex`` extension * Failed to convert reST parser error to warning (refs: 4132) ``` ### 1.6.4 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 3926: Add ``autodoc_warningiserror`` to suppress the behavior of ``-W`` option during importing target modules on autodoc Bugs fixed ---------- * 3924: docname lost after dynamically parsing RST in extension * 3946: Typo in sphinx.sty (this was a bug with no effect in default context) * :pep: and :rfc: does not supports ``default-role`` directive (refs: 3960) * 3960: default_role = 'guilabel' not functioning * Missing ``texinputs_win/Makefile`` to be used in latexpdf builder on windows. * 4026: nature: Fix macOS Safari scrollbar color * 3877: Fix for C++ multiline signatures. * 4006: Fix crash on parallel build * 3969: private instance attributes causes AttributeError * 4041: C++, remove extra name linking in function pointers. * 4038: C, add missing documentation of ``member`` role. * 4044: An empty multicolumn cell causes extra row height in PDF output * 4049: Fix typo in output of sphinx-build -h * 4062: hashlib.sha1() must take bytes, not unicode on Python 3 * Avoid indent after index entries in latex (refs: 4066) * 4070: crashes when the warning message contains format strings * 4067: Return non-zero exit status when make subprocess fails * 4055: graphviz: the :align: option does not work for SVG output * 4055: graphviz: the :align: center option does not work for latex output * 4051: ``warn()`` function for HTML theme outputs 'None' string ``` ### 1.6.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * latex: hint that code-block continues on next page (refs: 3764, 3792) Bugs fixed ---------- * 3821: Failed to import sphinx.util.compat with docutils-0.14rc1 * 3829: sphinx-quickstart template is incomplete regarding use of alabaster * 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename' * Emit wrong warnings if citation label includes hyphens (refs: 3565) * 3858: Some warnings are not colored when using --color option * 3775: Remove unwanted whitespace in default template * 3835: sphinx.ext.imgmath fails to convert SVG images if project directory name contains spaces * 3850: Fix color handling in make mode's help command * 3865: use of self.env.warn in sphinx extension fails * 3824: production lists apply smart quotes transform since Sphinx 1.6.1 * latex: fix ``\sphinxbfcode`` swallows initial space of argument * 3878: Quotes in auto-documented class attributes should be straight quotes in PDF output * 3881: LaTeX figure floated to next page sometimes leaves extra vertical whitespace * 3885: duplicated footnotes raises IndexError * 3873: Failure of deprecation warning mechanism of ``sphinx.util.compat.Directive`` * 3874: Bogus warnings for "citation not referenced" for cross-file citations * 3860: Don't download images when builders not supported images * 3860: Remote image URIs without filename break builders not supported remote images * 3833: command line messages are translated unintentionally with ``language`` setting. * 3840: make checking ``epub_uid`` strict * 3851, 3706: Fix about box drawing characters for PDF output * 3900: autosummary could not find methods * 3902: Emit error if ``latex_documents`` contains non-unicode string in py2 ``` ### 1.6.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 3789: Do not require typing module for python>=3.5 Bugs fixed ---------- * 3754: HTML builder crashes if HTML theme appends own stylesheets * 3756: epub: Entity 'mdash' not defined * 3758: Sphinx crashed if logs are emitted in * 3755: incorrectly warns about dedent with literalinclude * 3742: `RTD <>`_ PDF builds of Sphinx own docs are missing an index entry in the bookmarks and table of contents. This is `rtfd/readthedocs.org2857 <>`_ issue, a workaround is obtained using some extra LaTeX code in Sphinx's own :file:`` * 3770: Build fails when a "code-block" has the option emphasize-lines and the number indicated is higher than the number of lines * 3774: Incremental HTML building broken when using citations * 3763: got epubcheck validations error if epub_cover is set * 3779: 'ImportError' in sphinx.ext.autodoc due to broken 'sys.meta_path'. Thanks to Tatiana Tereshchenko. * 3796: env.resolve_references() crashes when non-document node given * 3803: Sphinx crashes with invalid PO files * 3791: PDF "continued on next page" for long tables isn't internationalized * 3788: smartquotes emits warnings for unsupported languages * 3807: latex Makefile for ``make latexpdf`` is only for unixen * 3781: double hyphens in option directive are compiled as endashes * 3817: latex builder raises AttributeError ``` ### 1.6.1 ``` ===================================== Dependencies ------------ ``` ### 1.6 ``` * LDML format support in i18n feature * ``sphinx.addnodes.termsep`` * Some functions and classes in ``sphinx.util.pycompat``: ``zip_longest``, ``product``, ``all``, ``any``, ``next``, ``open``, ``class_types``, ``base_exception``, ``relpath``, ``StringIO``, ``BytesIO``. Please use the standard library version instead; If any deprecation warning like ``RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning`` are displayed, please refer :ref:`when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed`. Features added -------------- ``` ### 1.6b3 ``` * 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:`html_compact_lists` is True. * The ``make latexpdf`` from 1.6b1 (for GNU/Linux and Mac OS, using ``latexmk``) aborted earlier in case of LaTeX errors than was the case with 1.5 series, due to hard-coded usage of ``--halt-on-error`` option. (refs 3695) * 3683: sphinx.websupport module is not provided by default * 3683: Failed to build document if builder.css_file.insert() is called * 3714: viewcode extension not taking ``highlight_code='none'`` in account * 3698: Moving :doc: to std domain broke backwards compatibility * 3633: misdetect unreferenced citations ``` ### 1.6b2 ``` * 3662: ``builder.css_files`` is deprecated. Please use ``add_stylesheet()`` API instead. ``` ### 1.6b1 ``` * ``sphinx.util.compat.Directive`` class is now deprecated. Please use instead ``docutils.parsers.rst.Directive`` * ``sphinx.util.compat.docutils_version`` is now deprecated * 2367: ``Sphinx.warn()``, ```` and other logging methods are now deprecated. Please use ``sphinx.util.logging`` (:ref:`logging-api`) instead. * 3318: ``notice`` is now deprecated as LaTeX environment name and will be removed at Sphinx 1.7. Extension authors please use ``sphinxadmonition`` instead (as Sphinx does since 1.5.) * ``Sphinx.status_iterator()`` and ``Sphinx.old_status_iterator()`` is now deprecated. Please use ``sphinx.util:status_iterator()`` instead. * ``Sphinx._directive_helper()`` is deprecated. Please use ``sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper()`` instead. * ``BuildEnvironment.set_warnfunc()`` is now deprecated * Following methods of ``BuildEnvironment`` is now deprecated. - ``BuildEnvironment.note_toctree()`` - ``BuildEnvironment.get_toc_for()`` - ``BuildEnvironment.get_toctree_for()`` - ``BuildEnvironment.create_index()`` Please use ``sphinx.environment.adapters`` modules instead. * latex package ``footnote`` is not loaded anymore by its bundled replacement ``footnotehyper-sphinx``. The redefined macros keep the same names as in the original package. * 3429: deprecate config setting ``latex_keep_old_macro_names``. It will be removed at 1.7, and already its default value has changed from ``True`` to ``False``. * 3221: epub2 builder is deprecated * 3254: ``sphinx.websupport`` is now separated into independent package; ``sphinxcontrib-websupport``. ``sphinx.websupport`` will be removed in Sphinx-2.0. * 3628: ``sphinx_themes`` entry_point is deprecated. Please use ``sphinx.html_themes`` instead. ``` ### 1.5.6 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 3614: Sphinx crashes with requests-2.5.0 * 3618: autodoc crashes with tupled arguments * 3664: No space after the bullet in items of a latex list produced by Sphinx * 3657: EPUB builder crashes if document startswith genindex exists * 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:`html_compact_lists` is True. * 3685: AttributeError when using 3rd party domains * 3702: LaTeX writer styles figure legends with a hard-coded ``\small`` * 3708: LaTeX writer allows irc scheme * 3717: Stop enforcing that favicon's must be .ico * 3731, 3732: Protect isenumclass predicate against non-class arguments * 3320: Warning about reference target not being found for container types * Misspelled ARCHIVEPREFIX in Makefile for latex build repertory ``` ### 1.5.5 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 3597: python domain raises UnboundLocalError if invalid name given * 3599: Move to new Mathjax CDN ``` ### 1.5.4 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 3470: Make genindex support all kinds of letters, not only Latin ones Bugs fixed ---------- * 3445: setting ``'inputenc'`` key to ``\\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}`` leads to failed PDF build * EPUB file has duplicated ``nav.xhtml`` link in ``content.opf`` except first time build * 3488: objects.inv has broken when ``release`` or ``version`` contain return code * 2073, 3443, 3490: gettext builder that writes pot files unless the content are same without creation date. Thanks to Yoshiki Shibukawa. * 3487: intersphinx: failed to refer options * 3496: latex longtable's last column may be much wider than its contents * 3507: wrong quotes in latex output for productionlist directive * 3533: Moving from Sphinx 1.3.1 to 1.5.3 breaks LaTeX compilation of links rendered as code * 2665, 2607: Link names in C++ docfields, and make it possible for other domains. * 3542: C++, fix parsing error of non-type template argument with template. * 3065, 3520: python domain fails to recognize nested class * 3575: Problems with pdflatex in a Turkish document built with sphinx has reappeared (refs 2997, 2397) * 3577: Fix intersphinx debug tool * A LaTeX command such as ``\\large`` inserted in the title items of :confval:`latex_documents` causes failed PDF build (refs 3551, 3567) ``` ### 1.5.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * Support requests-2.0.0 (experimental) (refs: 3367) * (latex) PDF page margin dimensions may be customized (refs: 3387) * ``literalinclude`` directive allows combination of ``:pyobject:`` and ``:lines:`` options (refs: 3416) * 3400: make-mode doesn't use subprocess on building docs Bugs fixed ---------- * 3370: the caption of code-block is not picked up for translation * LaTeX: :confval:`release` is not escaped (refs: 3362) * 3364: sphinx-quickstart prompts overflow on Console with 80 chars width * since 1.5, PDF's TOC and bookmarks lack an entry for general Index (refs: 3383) * 3392: ``'releasename'`` in :confval:`latex_elements` is not working * 3356: Page layout for Japanese ``'manual'`` docclass has a shorter text area * 3394: When ``'pointsize'`` is not ``10pt``, Japanese ``'manual'`` document gets wrong PDF page dimensions * 3399: quickstart: was not overwritten by template * 3366: option directive does not allow punctuations * 3410: return code in :confval:`release` breaks html search * 3427: autodoc: memory addresses are not stripped on Windows * 3428: xetex build tests fail due to fontspec v2.6 defining ``\strong`` * 3349: Result of ``IndexBuilder.load()`` is broken * 3450: &nbsp is appeared in EPUB docs * 3418: Search button is misaligned in nature and pyramid theme * 3421: Could not translate a caption of tables * 3552: linkcheck raises UnboundLocalError ``` ### 1.5.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above (refs: 3268, 3310) Features added -------------- * 3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref 3210) * 3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine ``make`` command * Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: 3142) * 978: `intersphinx_mapping` also allows a list as a parameter * 3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:`parsed-literal` are wrapped like in :rst:dir:`code-block`, inline math and footnotes are fully functional. Bugs fixed ---------- * 3246: xapian search adapter crashes * 3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned toctree produces ``None`` captions * 185: References to section title including raw node has broken * 3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn't support documentation for attributes of Enum class correctly. * 3261: ``latex_use_parts`` makes sphinx crash * The warning type ``misc.highlighting_failure`` does not work * 3294: ``add_latex_package()`` make crashes non-LaTeX builders * The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: 3287) * 3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie * 3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises unserializable exception * 3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass 'memoir' * 3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly * 3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can't read it. Also writing mo too * 3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term's classifier * 3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list * 2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions. * Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:`code-block` and parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref 3342) * LaTeX writer: leave ``"`` character inside parsed-literal as is (ref 3341) * 3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories * 3158: too much space after captions in PDF output * 3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if with hyphen * LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref 3340) * LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong (ref 3340) * Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref 3340) * 3308: Parsed-literals don't wrap very long lines with pdf builder (ref 3340) * 3295: Could not import extension * 3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice * LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents (ref 3363) * Fix parselinenos() could not parse left half open range (cf. "-4") ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * 3214: Allow to suppress "unknown mimetype" warnings from epub builder using :confval:`suppress_warnings`. Bugs fixed ---------- * 3195: Can not build in parallel * 3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has 'self' * 3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by untranslated it_IT) * 3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13 * 3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive (``\DUrole``) * 3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14) * 3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation * 3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed * 3228: ``build_sphinx`` command crashes when missing dependency * 2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to Hiroshi Ohkubo. * 3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page. ``` ### 1.5 ``` * 3069: Even if ``'babel'`` key is set to empty string, LaTeX output contains one ``\addto\captions...`` * 3123: user ``'babel'`` key setting is not obeyed anymore * 3155: Fix JavaScript for `html_sourcelink_suffix` fails with IE and Opera * 3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik. * 3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash * 3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or multipleline cpp signatures (ref 3072) * 3128: globing images does not support .svgz file * 3015: fix a broken test on Windows. * 1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass. Thanks to Erik Bray. * 3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies * 3024, 3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log message cannot be encoded into console encoding. Testing -------- * To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists. ``` ### 1.5b1 ``` * 2432: Fix unwanted * between varargs and keyword only args. Thanks to Alex Grönholm. * 3062: Failed to build PDF using 1.5a2 (undefined ``\hypersetup`` for Japanese documents since PR3030) * Better rendering of multiline signatures in html. * 777: LaTeX output "too deeply nested" (ref 3096) * Let LaTeX image inclusion obey ``scale`` before textwidth fit (ref 2865, 3059) * 3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref 3083) * fix latex inline literals where ``< > -`` gobbled a space ``` ### 1.5a2 ``` * 2810: Problems with pdflatex in an Italian document * Use ``latex_elements.papersize`` to specify papersize of LaTeX in Makefile * 2988: linkcheck: retry with GET request if denied HEAD request * 2990: linkcheck raises "Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly" error if linkcheck_anchors enabled * 3004: Invalid link types "top" and "up" are used * 3009: Bad rendering of parsed-literals in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.4.4 * 3000: ``option`` directive generates invalid HTML anchors * 2984: Invalid HTML has been generated if `html_split_index` enabled * 2986: themes/basic/defindex.html should be changed for html5 friendly * 2987: Invalid HTML has been generated if multiple IDs are assigned to a list * 2891: HTML search does not provide all the results * 1986: Title in PDF Output * 147: Problem with latex chapter style * 3018: LaTeX problem with page layout dimensions and chapter titles * Fix an issue with ``\pysigline`` in LaTeX style file (ref 3023) * 3038: ``sphinx.ext.math*`` raises TypeError if labels are duplicated * 3031: incompatibility with LaTeX package ``tocloft`` * 3003: literal blocks in footnotes are not supported by Latex * 3047: spacing before footnote in pdf output is not coherent and allows breaks * 3045: HTML search index creator should ignore "raw" content if now html * 3039: English stemmer returns wrong word if the word is capitalized * Fix make-mode Makefile template (ref 3056, 2936) ``` ### 1.5a1 ``` * 2707: (latex) the column width is badly computed for tabular * 2799: Sphinx installs roles and directives automatically on importing sphinx module. Now Sphinx installs them on running application. * `sphinx.ext.autodoc` crashes if target code imports * from mock modules by `autodoc_mock_imports`. * 1953: ``Sphinx.add_node`` does not add handlers the translator installed by ``html_translator_class`` * 1797: text builder inserts blank line on top * 2894: quickstart main() doesn't use argv argument * 2874: gettext builder could not extract all text under the ``only`` directives * 2485: autosummary crashes with multiple source_suffix values * 1734: Could not translate the caption of toctree directive * Could not translate the content of meta directive (ref: 1734) * 2550: external links are opened in help viewer * 2687: Running Sphinx multiple times produces 'already registered' warnings ``` ### 1.4.9 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can't build man because doc/man exists * 3058: Using the same 'caption' attribute in multiple 'toctree' directives results in warning / error * 3068: Allow the '=' character in the -D option of * 3074: ``add_source_parser()`` crashes in debug mode * 3135: ``sphinx.ext.autodoc`` crashes with plain Callable * 3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same as Python's regular expression. * 3093: gettext build broken on substituted images. * 3093: gettext build broken on image node under ``note`` directive. * imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation failed * 3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first section title * 3164: Change search order of ``sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram`` ``` ### 1.4.8 ``` ==================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 2996: The wheel package of Sphinx got crash with ImportError ``` ### 1.4.7 ``` ==================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 2890: Quickstart should return an error consistently on all error conditions * 2870: flatten genindex columns' heights. * 2856: Search on generated HTML site doesnt find some symbols * 2882: Fall back to a GET request on 403 status in linkcheck * 2902: jsdump.loads fails to load search index if keywords starts with underscore * 2900: Fix epub content.opf: add auto generated orphan files to spine. * 2899: Fix ``hasdoc()`` function in Jinja2 template. It can detect ``genindex``, ``search`` collectly. * 2901: Fix epub result: skip creating links from image tags to original image files. * 2917: inline code is hyphenated on HTML * 1462: autosummary warns for namedtuple with attribute with trailing underscore * Could not reference equations if ``:nowrap:`` option specified * 2873: code-block overflow in latex (due to commas) * 1060, 2056: sphinx.ext.intersphinx: broken links are generated if relative paths are used in `intersphinx_mapping` * 2931: code-block directive with same :caption: causes warning of duplicate target. Now `code-block` and `literalinclude` does not define hyperlink target using its caption automatially. * 2962: latex: missing label of longtable * 2968: autodoc: show-inheritance option breaks docstrings ``` ### 1.4.6 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 2867: linkcheck builder crashes with six-1.4. Now Sphinx depends on six-1.5 or later Bugs fixed ---------- * applehelp: Sphinx crashes if ``hiutil`` or ``codesign`` commands not found * Fix ``make clean`` abort issue when build dir contains regular files like ``DS_Store``. * Reduce epubcheck warnings/errors: * Fix DOCTYPE to html5 * Change extension from .html to .xhtml. * Disable search page on epub results * 2778: Fix autodoc crashes if obj.__dict__ is a property method and raises exception * Fix duplicated toc in epub3 output. * 2775: Fix failing linkcheck with servers not supporting identidy encoding * 2833: Fix formatting instance annotations in ext.autodoc. * 1911: ``-D`` option of ``sphinx-build`` does not override the ``extensions`` variable * 2789: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` generates wrong hyperlinks if the inventory is given * parsing errors for caption of code-blocks are displayed in document (ref: 2845) * 2846: ``singlehtml`` builder does not include figure numbers * 2816: Fix data from builds cluttering the ``Domain.initial_data`` class attributes ``` ### 1.4.5 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * latex, inclusion of non-inline images from image directive resulted in non-coherent whitespaces depending on original image width; new behaviour by necessity differs from earlier one in some cases. (ref: 2672) * latex, use of ``\includegraphics`` to refer to Sphinx custom variant is deprecated; in future it will revert to original LaTeX macro, custom one already has alternative name ``\sphinxincludegraphics``. Features added -------------- * new config option ``latex_keep_old_macro_names``, defaults to True. If False, lets macros (for text styling) be defined only with ``\sphinx``-prefixed names. * latex writer allows user customization of "shadowed" boxes (topics), via three length variables. * woff-format web font files now supported by the epub builder. Bugs fixed ---------- * jsdump fix for python 3: fixes the HTML search on python > 3 * 2676: (latex) Error with verbatim text in captions since Sphinx 1.4.4 * 2629: memoir class crashes LaTeX. Fixed ``by latex_keep_old_macro_names=False`` (ref 2675) * 2684: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` crashes with six-1.4.1 * 2679: ``float`` package needed for ``'figure_align': 'H'`` latex option * 2671: image directive may lead to inconsistent spacing in pdf * 2705: ``toctree`` generates empty bullet_list if ``:titlesonly:`` specified * 2479: `sphinx.ext.viewcode` uses python2 highlighter by default * 2700: HtmlHelp builder has hard coded index.html * latex, since 1.4.4 inline literal text is followed by spurious space * 2722: C++, fix id generation for var/member declarations to include namespaces. * latex, images (from image directive) in lists or quoted blocks did not obey indentation (fixed together with 2671) * 2733: since Sphinx-1.4.4 ``make latexpdf`` generates lots of hyperref warnings * 2731: `sphinx.ext.autodoc` does not access propertymethods which raises any exceptions * 2666: C++, properly look up nested names involving constructors. * 2579: Could not refer a label including both spaces and colons via `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` * 2718: Sphinx crashes if the document file is not readable * 2699: hyperlinks in help HTMLs are broken if `html_file_suffix` is set * 2723: extra spaces in latex pdf output from multirow cell * 2735: latexpdf ``Underfull \hbox (badness 10000)`` warnings from title page * 2667: latex crashes if resized images appeared in section title * 2763: (html) Provide default value for required ``alt`` attribute for image tags of SVG source, required to validate and now consistent w/ other formats. ``` ### 1.4.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 2630: Latex sphinx.sty Notice Enviroment formatting problem * 2632: Warning directives fail in quote environment latex build * 2633: Sphinx crashes with old styled indices * Fix a ``\begin{\minipage}`` typo in sphinx.sty from 1.4.2 (ref: 68becb1) * 2622: Latex produces empty pages after title and table of contents * 2640: 1.4.2 LaTeX crashes if code-block inside warning directive * Let LaTeX use straight quotes also in inline code (ref 2627) * 2351: latex crashes if enumerated lists are placed on footnotes * 2646: latex crashes if math contains twice empty lines * 2480: `sphinx.ext.autodoc`: memory addresses were shown * latex: allow code-blocks appearing inside lists and quotes at maximal nesting depth (ref 777, 2624, 2651) * 2635: Latex code directives produce inconsistent frames based on viewing resolution * 2639: Sphinx now bundles iftex.sty * Failed to build PDF with framed.sty 0.95 * Sphinx now bundles needspace.sty ``` ### 1.4.3 ``` ==================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 2530: got "Counter too large" error on building PDF if large numbered footnotes existed in admonitions * ``width`` option of figure directive does not work if ``align`` option specified at same time (ref: 2595) * 2590: The ``inputenc`` package breaks compiling under lualatex and xelatex * 2540: date on latex front page use different font * Suppress "document isn't included in any toctree" warning if the document is included (ref: 2603) * 2614: Some tables in PDF output will end up shifted if user sets non zero \parindent in preamble * 2602: URL redirection breaks the hyperlinks generated by `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` * 2613: Show warnings if merged extensions are loaded * 2619: make sure amstext LaTeX package always loaded (ref: d657225, 488ee52, 9d82cad and 2615) * 2593: latex crashes if any figures in the table ``` ### 1.4.2 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * Now :confval:`suppress_warnings` accepts following configurations (ref: 2451, 2466): - ``app.add_node`` - ``app.add_directive`` - ``app.add_role`` - ``app.add_generic_role`` - ``app.add_source_parser`` - ``image.data_uri`` - ``image.nonlocal_uri`` * 2453: LaTeX writer allows page breaks in topic contents; and their horizontal extent now fits in the line width (with shadow in margin). Also warning-type admonitions allow page breaks and their vertical spacing has been made more coherent with the one for hint-type notices (ref 2446). * 2459: the framing of literal code-blocks in LaTeX output (and not only the code lines themselves) obey the indentation in lists or quoted blocks. * 2343: the long source lines in code-blocks are wrapped (without modifying the line numbering) in LaTeX output (ref 1534, 2304). Bugs fixed ---------- * 2370: the equations are slightly misaligned in LaTeX writer * 1817, 2077: suppress pep8 warnings on generated by sphinx-quickstart * 2407: building docs crash if document includes large data image URIs * 2436: Sphinx does not check version by :confval:`needs_sphinx` if loading extensions failed * 2397: Setup shorthandoff for turkish documents * 2447: VerbatimBorderColor wrongly used also for captions of PDF * 2456: C++, fix crash related to document merging (e.g., singlehtml and Latex builders). * 2446: latex(pdf) sets local tables of contents (or more generally topic nodes) in unbreakable boxes, causes overflow at bottom * 2476: Omit MathJax markers if :nowrap: is given * 2465: latex builder fails in case no caption option is provided to toctree directive * Sphinx crashes if self referenced toctree found * 2481: spelling mistake for mecab search splitter. Thanks to Naoki Sato. * 2309: Fix could not refer "indirect hyperlink targets" by ref-role * intersphinx fails if mapping URL contains any port * 2088: intersphinx crashes if the mapping URL requires basic auth * 2304: auto line breaks in latexpdf codeblocks * 1534: Word wrap long lines in Latex verbatim blocks * 2460: too much white space on top of captioned literal blocks in PDF output * Show error reason when multiple math extensions are loaded (ref: 2499) * 2483: any figure number was not assigned if figure title contains only non text objects * 2501: Unicode subscript numbers are normalized in LaTeX * 2492: Figure directive with :figwidth: generates incorrect Latex-code * The caption of figure is always put on center even if ``:align:`` was specified * 2526: LaTeX writer crashes if the section having only images * 2522: Sphinx touches mo files under installed directory that caused permission error. * 2536: C++, fix crash when an immediately nested scope has the same name as the current scope. * 2555: Fix crash on any-references with unicode. * 2517: wrong bookmark encoding in PDF if using LuaLaTeX * 2521: generated Makefile causes BSD make crashed if sphinx-build not found * 2470: ``typing`` backport package causes autodoc errors with python 2.7 * ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` crashes if non-string value is used for key of `intersphinx_mapping` * 2518: `intersphinx_mapping` disallows non alphanumeric keys * 2558: unpack error on devhelp builder * 2561: Info builder crashes when a footnote contains a link * 2565: The descriptions of objects generated by ``sphinx.ext.autosummary`` overflow lines at LaTeX writer * Extend pdflatex config in sphinx.sty to subparagraphs (ref: 2551) * 2445: `rst_prolog` and `rst_epilog` affect to non reST sources * 2576: ``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` crashes if subprocess raises error * 2577: ``sphinx.ext.imgmath``: Invalid argument are passed to dvisvgm * 2556: Xapian search does not work with Python 3 * 2581: The search doesn't work if language="es" (spanish) * 2382: Adjust spacing after abbreviations on figure numbers in LaTeX writer * 2383: The generated footnote by `latex_show_urls` overflows lines * 2497, 2552: The label of search button does not fit for the button itself ``` ### 1.4.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * The default format of `today_fmt` and `html_last_updated_fmt` is back to strftime format again. Locale Date Markup Language is also supported for backward compatibility until Sphinx-1.5. Translations ------------ * Added Welsh translation, thanks to Geraint Palmer. * Added Greek translation, thanks to Stelios Vitalis. * Added Esperanto translation, thanks to Dinu Gherman. * Added Hindi translation, thanks to Purnank H. Ghumalia. * Added Romanian translation, thanks to Razvan Stefanescu. Bugs fixed ---------- * C++, added support for ``extern`` and ``thread_local``. * C++, type declarations are now using the prefixes ``typedef``, ``using``, and ``type``, depending on the style of declaration. * 2413: C++, fix crash on duplicate declarations * 2394: Sphinx crashes when html_last_updated_fmt is invalid * 2408: dummy builder not available in Makefile and make.bat * 2412: hyperlink targets are broken in LaTeX builder * figure directive crashes if non paragraph item is given as caption * 2418: time formats no longer allowed in today_fmt * 2395: Sphinx crashes if unicode character in image filename * 2396: "too many values to unpack" in genindex-single * 2405: numref link in PDF jumps to the wrong location * 2414: missing number in PDF hyperlinks to code listings * 2440: wrong import for gmtime. Thanks to Uwe L. Korn. ``` ### 1.4 ``` =================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * Drop ``PorterStemmer`` package support. Use ``PyStemmer`` instead of ``PorterStemmer`` to accelerate stemming. * sphinx_rtd_theme has become optional. Please install it manually. Refs 2087, 2086, 1845 and 2097. Thanks to Victor Zverovich. * 2231: Use DUrole instead of DUspan for custom roles in LaTeX writer. It enables to take title of roles as an argument of custom macros. * 2022: 'Thumbs.db' and '.DS_Store' are added to `exclude_patterns` default values in that will be provided on sphinx-quickstart. * 2027, 2208: The ``html_title`` accepts string values only. And The None value cannot be accepted. * ``sphinx.ext.graphviz``: show graph image in inline by default * 2060, 2224: The ``manpage`` role now generate ``sphinx.addnodes.manpage`` node instead of ``sphinx.addnodes.literal_emphasis`` node. * 2022: :confval:`html_extra_path` also copies dotfiles in the extra directory, and refers to :confval:`exclude_patterns` to exclude extra files and directories. * 2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__ method's is missing of empty * 2251: Previously, under glossary directives, multiple terms for one definition are converted into single ``term`` node and the each terms in the term node are separated by ``termsep`` node. In new implementation, each terms are converted into individual ``term`` nodes and ``termsep`` node is removed. By this change, output layout of every builders are changed a bit. * The default highlight language is now Python 3. This means that source code is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2), and no parsing is attempted to distinguish valid code. To get the old behavior back, add ``highlight_language = "python"`` to * `Locale Date Markup Language <>`_ like ``"MMMM dd, YYYY"`` is default format for `today_fmt` and `html_last_updated_fmt`. However strftime format like ``"%B %d, %Y"`` is also supported for backward compatibility until Sphinx-1.5. Later format will be disabled from Sphinx-1.5. * 2327: ``latex_use_parts`` is deprecated now. Use `latex_toplevel_sectioning` instead. * 2337: Use ``\url{URL}`` macro instead of ``\href{URL}{URL}`` in LaTeX writer. * 1498: manpage writer: don't make whole of item in definition list bold if it includes strong node. * 582: Remove hint message from quick search box for html output. * 2378: Sphinx now bundles newfloat.sty Features added -------------- * 2092: add todo directive support in napoleon package. * 1962: when adding directives, roles or nodes from an extension, warn if such an element is already present (built-in or added by another extension). * 1909: Add "doc" references to Intersphinx inventories. * C++ type alias support (e.g., ``.. type:: T = int``). * C++ template support for classes, functions, type aliases, and variables (1729, 1314). * C++, added new scope management directives ``namespace-push`` and ``namespace-pop``. * 1970: Keyboard shortcuts to navigate Next and Previous topics * Intersphinx: Added support for fetching Intersphinx inventories with URLs using HTTP basic auth. * C++, added support for template parameter in function info field lists. * C++, added support for pointers to member (function). * 2113: Allow ``:class:`` option to code-block directive. * 2192: Imgmath (pngmath with svg support). * 2200: Support XeTeX and LuaTeX for the LaTeX builder. * 1906: Use xcolor over color for \fcolorbox where available for LaTeX output. * 2216: Texinputs makefile improvements. * 2170: Support for Chinese language search index. * 2214: Add sphinx.ext.githubpages to publish the docs on GitHub Pages * 1030: Make page reference names for latex_show_pagerefs translatable * 2162: Add Sphinx.add_source_parser() to add source_suffix and source_parsers from extension * 2207: Add sphinx.parsers.Parser class; a base class for new parsers * 656: Add ``graphviz_dot`` option to graphviz directives to switch the ``dot`` command * 1939: Added the ``dummy`` builder: syntax check without output. * 2230: Add ``math_number_all`` option to number all displayed math in math extensions * 2235: ``needs_sphinx`` supports micro version comparison * 2282: Add "language" attribute to html tag in the "basic" theme * 1779: Add EPUB 3 builder * 1751: Add :confval:`todo_link_only` to avoid file path and line indication on :rst:dir:`todolist`. Thanks to Francesco Montesano. * 2199: Use ``imagesize`` package to obtain size of images. * 1099: Add configurable retries to the linkcheck builder. Thanks to Alex Gaynor. Also don't check anchors starting with ``!``. * 2300: enhance autoclass:: to use the docstring of __new__ if __init__ method's is missing of empty * 1858: Add Sphinx.add_enumerable_node() to add enumerable nodes for numfig feature * 1286, 2099: Add ``sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel`` extension to allow reference sections using its title. Thanks to Tadhg O'Higgins. * 1854: Allow to choose Janome for Japanese splitter. * 1853: support custom text splitter on html search with ``language='ja'``. * 2320: classifier of glossary terms can be used for index entries grouping key. The classifier also be used for translation. See also :ref:`glossary-directive`. * 2308: Define ``\tablecontinued`` macro to redefine the style of continued label for longtables. * Select an image by similarity if multiple images are globbed by ``.. image:: filename.*`` * 1921: Support figure substitutions by :confval:`language` and :confval:`figure_language_filename` * 2245: Add ``latex_elements["passoptionstopackages"]`` option to call PassOptionsToPackages in early stage of preambles. * 2340: Math extension: support alignment of multiple equations for MathJAX. * 2338: Define ``\titleref`` macro to redefine the style of ``title-reference`` roles. * Define ``\menuselection`` and ``\accelerator`` macros to redefine the style of `menuselection` roles. * Define ``\crossref`` macro to redefine the style of references * 2301: Texts in the classic html theme should be hyphenated. * 2355: Define ``\termref`` macro to redefine the style of ``term`` roles. * Add :confval:`suppress_warnings` to suppress arbitrary warning message (experimental) * 2229: Fix no warning is given for unknown options * 2327: Add `latex_toplevel_sectioning` to switch the top level sectioning of LaTeX document. Bugs fixed ---------- * 1913: C++, fix assert bug for enumerators in next-to-global and global scope. * C++, fix parsing of 'signed char' and 'unsigned char' as types. * C++, add missing support for 'friend' functions. * C++, add missing support for virtual base classes (thanks to Rapptz). * C++, add support for final classes. * C++, fix parsing of types prefixed with 'enum'. * 2023: Dutch search support uses Danish stemming info. * C++, add support for user-defined literals. * 1804: Now html output wraps overflowed long-line-text in the sidebar. Thanks to Hassen ben tanfous. * 2183: Fix porterstemmer causes ``make json`` to fail. * 1899: Ensure list is sent to OptParse. * 2164: Fix wrong check for pdftex inside sphinx.sty (for graphicx package option). * 2165, 2218: Remove faulty and non-need conditional from sphinx.sty. * Fix broken LaTeX code is generated if unknown language is given * 1944: Fix rst_prolog breaks file-wide metadata * 2074: make gettext should use canonical relative paths for .pot. Thanks to anatoly techtonik. * 2311: Fix sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram raises AttributeError * 2251: Line breaks in .rst files are transferred to .pot files in a wrong way. * 794: Fix date formatting in latex output is not localized * Remove ``image/gif`` from supported_image_types of LaTeX writer (2272) * Fix ValueError is raised if LANGUAGE is empty string * Fix unpack warning is shown when the directives generated from ``Sphinx.add_crossref_type`` is used * The default highlight language is now ``default``. This means that source code is highlighted as Python 3 (which is mostly a superset of Python 2) if possible. To get the old behavior back, add ``highlight_language = "python"`` to * 2329: Refresh environment forcely if source directory has changed. * 2331: Fix code-blocks are filled by block in dvi; remove ``xcdraw`` option from xcolor package * Fix the confval type checker emits warnings if unicode is given to confvals which expects string value * 2360: Fix numref in LaTeX output is broken * 2361: Fix additional paragraphs inside the "compound" directive are indented * 2364: Fix KeyError 'rootSymbol' on Sphinx upgrade from older version. * 2348: Move amsmath and amssymb to before fontpkg on LaTeX writer. * 2368: Ignore emacs lock files like ``.foo.rst`` by default. * 2262: literal_block and its caption has been separated by pagebreak in LaTeX output. * 2319: Fix table counter is overrided by code-block's in LaTeX. Thanks to jfbu. * Fix unpack warning if combinated with 3rd party domain extensions. * 1153: Fix figures in sidebar causes latex build error. * 2358: Fix user-preamble could not override the tocdepth definition. * 2358: Redece tocdepth if ``part`` or ``chapter`` is used for top_sectionlevel. * 2351: Fix footnote spacing * 2363: Fix ``toctree()`` in templates generates broken links in SingleHTMLBuilder. * 2366: Fix empty hyperref is generated on toctree in HTML builder. Documentation ------------- * 1757: Fix for usage of :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt`. Thanks to Ralf Hemmecke. ```
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Update sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.1.9 to 0.3.1.

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Update wheel from 0.31.0 to 0.31.0.

Changelog ### 0.31.0 ``` ====== - Fixed displaying of errors on Python 3 - Fixed single digit versions in wheel files not being properly recognized - Fixed wrong character encodings being used (instead of UTF-8) to read and write ``RECORD`` (this sometimes crashed bdist_wheel too) - Enabled Zip64 support in wheels by default - Metadata-Version is now 2.1 - Dropped DESCRIPTION.rst and metadata.json from the list of generated files - Dropped support for the non-standard, undocumented ``provides-extra`` and ``requires-dist`` keywords in setup.cfg metadata - Deprecated all wheel signing and signature verification commands - Removed the (already defunct) ``tool`` extras from ``` ### 0.30.0 ``` ====== - Added py-limited-api {cp32|cp33|cp34|...} flag to produce cpNN.abi3.{arch} tags on CPython 3. - Documented the ``license_file`` metadata key - Improved Python, abi tagging for `wheel convert`. Thanks Ales Erjavec. - Fixed `>` being prepended to lines starting with "From" in the long description - Added support for specifying a build number (as per PEP 427). Thanks Ian Cordasco. - Made the order of files in generated ZIP files deterministic. Thanks Matthias Bach. - Made the order of requirements in metadata deterministic. Thanks Chris Lamb. - Fixed `wheel install` clobbering existing files - Improved the error message when trying to verify an unsigned wheel file - Removed support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3. ``` ### 0.29.0 ``` ====== - Fix compression type of files in archive (Issue 155, Pull Request 62, thanks Xavier Fernandez) ``` ### 0.28.0 ``` ====== - Fix file modes in archive (Issue 154) ``` ### 0.27.0 ``` ====== - Support forcing a platform tag using `--plat-name` on pure-Python wheels, as well as nonstandard platform tags on non-pure wheels (Pull Request 60, Issue 144, thanks Andrés Díaz) - Add SOABI tags to platform-specific wheels built for Python 2.X (Pull Request 55, Issue 63, Issue 101) - Support reproducible wheel files, wheels that can be rebuilt and will hash to the same values as previous builds (Pull Request 52, Issue 143, thanks Barry Warsaw) - Support for changes in keyring >= 8.0 (Pull Request 61, thanks Jason R. Coombs) - Use the file context manager when checking if dependency_links.txt is empty, fixes problems building wheels under PyPy on Windows (Issue 150, thanks Cosimo Lupo) - Don't attempt to (recursively) create a build directory ending with `..` (invalid on all platforms, but code was only executed on Windows) (Issue 91) - Added the PyPA Code of Conduct (Pull Request 56) ``` ### 0.26.0 ``` ====== - Fix multiple entrypoint comparison failure on Python 3 (Issue 148) ``` ### 0.25.0 ``` ====== - Add Python 3.5 to tox configuration - Deterministic (sorted) metadata - Fix tagging for Python 3.5 compatibility - Support py2-none-'arch' and py3-none-'arch' tags - Treat data-only wheels as pure - Write to temporary file and rename when using wheel install --force ``` ### 0.24.0 ``` ====== - The python tag used for pure-python packages is now .pyN (major version only). This change actually occurred in 0.23.0 when the --python-tag option was added, but was not explicitly mentioned in the changelog then. - wininst2wheel and egg2wheel removed. Use "wheel convert [archive]" instead. - Wheel now supports setuptools style conditional requirements via the extras_require={} syntax. Separate 'extra' names from conditions using the : character. Wheel's own does this. (The empty-string extra is the same as install_requires.) These conditional requirements should work the same whether the package is installed by wheel or by ``` ### 0.23.0 ``` ====== - Compatibility tag flags added to the bdist_wheel command - sdist should include files necessary for tests - 'wheel convert' can now also convert unpacked eggs to wheel - Rename pydist.json to metadata.json to avoid stepping on the PEP - The --skip-scripts option has been removed, and not generating scripts is now the default. The option was a temporary approach until installers could generate scripts themselves. That is now the case with pip 1.5 and later. Note that using pip 1.4 to install a wheel without scripts will leave the installation without entry-point wrappers. The "wheel install-scripts" command can be used to generate the scripts in such cases. - Thank you contributors ``` ### 0.22.0 ``` ====== - Include entry_points.txt, scripts a.k.a. commands, in experimental pydist.json - Improved test_requires parsing - Python 2.6 fixes, "wheel version" command courtesy pombredanne ``` ### 0.21.0 ``` ====== - Pregenerated scripts are the default again. - " bdist_wheel --skip-scripts" turns them off. - setuptools is no longer a listed requirement for the 'wheel' package. It is of course still required in order for bdist_wheel to work. - "python -m wheel" avoids importing pkg_resources until it's necessary. ``` ### 0.20.0 ``` ====== - No longer include console_scripts in wheels. Ordinary scripts (shell files, standalone Python files) are included as usual. - Include new command "python -m wheel install-scripts [distribution [distribution ...]]" to install the console_scripts (setuptools-style scripts using pkg_resources) for a distribution. ``` ### 0.19.0 ``` ====== - pymeta.json becomes pydist.json ``` ### 0.18.0 ``` ====== - Python 3 Unicode improvements ``` ### 0.17.0 ``` ====== - Support latest PEP-426 "pymeta.json" (json-format metadata) ``` ### 0.16.0 ``` ====== - Python 2.6 compatibility bugfix (thanks John McFarlane) - Non-prerelease version number ``` ### 0.15.0 ``` ====== - Various improvements ``` ### 0.14.0 ``` ====== - Changed the signature format to better comply with the current JWS spec. Breaks all existing signatures. - Include ``wheel unsign`` command to remove RECORD.jws from an archive. - Put the description in the newly allowed payload section of PKG-INFO (METADATA) files. ``` ### 0.13.0 ``` ====== - Use distutils instead of sysconfig to get installation paths; can install headers. - Improve WheelFile() sort. - Allow bootstrap installs without any pkg_resources. ``` ### 0.12.0 ``` ====== - Unit test for wheel.tool.install ``` ### 0.11.0 ``` ====== - API cleanup ``` ### 0.10.3 ``` ====== - Scripts fixer fix ``` ### 0.10.2 ``` ====== - Fix keygen ``` ### 0.10.1 ``` ====== - Preserve attributes on install. ``` ### 0.10.0 ``` ====== - Include a copy of pkg_resources. Wheel can now install into a virtualenv that does not have distribute (though most packages still require pkg_resources to actually work; wheel install distribute) - Define a new setup.cfg section [wheel]. universal=1 will apply the py2.py3-none-any tag for pure python wheels. ``` ### 0.9.7 ``` ===== - Only import dirspec when needed. dirspec is only needed to find the configuration for keygen/signing operations. ``` ### 0.9.6 ``` ===== - requires-dist from setup.cfg overwrites any requirements from Care must be taken that the requirements are the same in both cases, or just always install from wheel. - drop dirspec requirement on win32 - improved command line utility, adds 'wheel convert [egg or wininst]' to convert legacy binary formats to wheel ``` ### 0.9.5 ``` ===== - Wheel's own wheel file can be executed by Python, and can install itself: ``python wheel-0.9.5-py27-none-any/wheel install ...`` - Use argparse; basic ``wheel install`` command should run with only stdlib dependencies. - Allow requires_dist in setup.cfg's [metadata] section. In addition to dependencies in, but will only be interpreted when installing from wheel, not from sdist. Can be qualified with environment markers. ``` ### 0.9.4 ``` ===== - Fix wheel.signatures in sdist ``` ### 0.9.3 ``` ===== - Integrated digital signatures support without C extensions. - Integrated "wheel install" command (single package, no dependency resolution) including compatibility check. - Support Python 3.3 - Use Metadata 1.3 (PEP 426) ``` ### 0.9.2 ``` ===== - Automatic signing if WHEEL_TOOL points to the wheel binary - Even more Python 3 fixes ``` ### 0.9.1 ``` ===== - 'wheel sign' uses the keys generated by 'wheel keygen' (instead of generating a new key at random each time) - Python 2/3 encoding/decoding fixes - Run tests on Python 2.6 (without signature verification) ``` ### 0.9 ``` === - Updated digital signatures scheme - Python 3 support for digital signatures - Always verify RECORD hashes on extract - "wheel" command line tool to sign, verify, unpack wheel files ``` ### 0.8 ``` === - none/any draft pep tags update - improved wininst2wheel script - doc changes and other improvements ``` ### 0.7 ``` === - sort .dist-info at end of wheel archive - Windows & Python 3 fixes from Paul Moore - pep8 - scripts to convert wininst & egg to wheel ``` ### 0.6 ``` === - require distribute >= 0.6.28 - stop using verlib ``` ### 0.5 ``` === - working pretty well ``` ### 0.4.2 ``` ===== - hyphenated na