Firstly, bookmark-files-combiner is a babashka script I installed a week ago with bbin install and now I want to uninstall it (so I can install a newer version afterwards).
My input at the terminal:
bbin uninstall bookmark-files-combiner
Expectation: script is uninstalled globally
What happened instead: script did not uninstall and outputs an error:
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Type: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Message: Invalid script coordinates.
If you're trying to install from the filesystem, make sure the path actually exists.
Data: {:script/lib "bookmark-files-combiner", :procurer :unknown-procurer, :artifact :unknown-artifact}
Location: /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1192:5
----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1188: (println (str (util/bin-dir cli-opts))))
1190: (defn- throw-invalid-script [summary cli-opts]
1191: (let [{:keys [procurer artifact]} summary]
1192: (throw (ex-info "Invalid script coordinates.\nIf you're trying to install from the filesystem, make sure the path actually exists."
^--- Invalid script coordinates.
If you're trying to install from the filesystem, make sure the path actually exists.
1193: {:script/lib (:script/lib cli-opts)
1194: :procurer procurer
1195: :artifact artifact}))))
1197: (defn- new-script [cli-opts]
----- Stack trace --------------------------------------------------------------
babashka.bbin.scripts/throw-invalid-script - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1192:5
babashka.bbin.scripts/throw-invalid-script - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1190:1
babashka.bbin.scripts/load-script - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1243:11
babashka.bbin.scripts/load-script - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1228:1
babashka.bbin.scripts - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1273:20
... (run with --debug to see elided elements)
babashka.bbin.cli/bbin - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1341:1
babashka.bbin.cli - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1347:3
clojure.core/apply - <built-in>
babashka.bbin.cli - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1351:3
babashka.bbin.cli - /home/amit/.babashka/bbin/bin/bbin:1349:1
Hello! :hugs:
is a babashka script I installed a week ago withbbin install
and now I want to uninstall it (so I can install a newer version afterwards).Expectation: script is uninstalled globally
What happened instead: script did not uninstall and outputs an error: