babashka / sci.configs

A collection of ready to be used SCI configs
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wishlist: timbre namespace bindings (for JVM and JS) #27

Open awb99 opened 10 months ago

awb99 commented 10 months ago

If there is one library that I would like to use in sci that it is missing, it would be timbre.

Timbre defines logging macros (trace, debug, info, warn, error) that can then be logged to various destinations. They work in the browser. What is nice about timbre is that one can define the config at runtime to say display only warning or above messages. But for debugging it is possible to enable the logging of one namespace at say debug level.

The macros capture the namespace and function name and the line number and this gets logged to say the browser devtools console with the correct loglevel.

I think that this might be also useful for node.js based apps.

borkdude commented 10 months ago

Is this for JS or JVM?

awb99 commented 10 months ago

Timbre works both in jvm and on js. I use sci for js. So my usecase is for js.

borkdude commented 10 months ago

I'm using Timbre on the JVM in babashka. I could submit that configuration here, but I don't know yet if it works for CLJS.

awb99 commented 10 months ago

I am happy to test....