babel / notes

♬ Notes from the @Babel Team (discuss in PRs)
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Babel meeting - January 28th #81

Closed nicolo-ribaudo closed 5 years ago

nicolo-ribaudo commented 5 years ago

@babel/babel feel free to add items to the agenda!

kaicataldo commented 5 years ago

I had originally posted a similar message in Slack, but realized this is probably a better place for this. I would like to discuss how the team wants to do maintenance on this project going forward.

For those who haven’t been following along with the recent happenings regarding TS and ESLint, there’s now a new org/monorepo called typescript-eslint that contains the parser and relevant plugins for linting TS with ESLint. The org has both members of ESLint and the TS team, with the main driving force and “owner” being James Henry, who has really pushed the TS/ESLint integration up to this point.

I like this strategy for two reasons:

  1. ESLint and TS members can collaborate on the project as equals
  2. It allows for much more comprehensive integration testing (this could actually be an argument for moving this into the babel/babel monorepo, since we could share fixtures across parser tests, transforms, linting, you name it!)

Wanted to gauge how people are feeling about how babel-eslint is being maintained now and what people envision for maintenance going forward.