babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
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Class Fields (Stage 3) #12

Open babel-bot opened 7 years ago

babel-bot commented 7 years ago

Original issue submitted by @babel-bot in

Champions: @jeffmo (public class fields) @littledan (private + combined) Spec Repo: Spec Text: Slides:

Moved to Stage 3 at the July 2017 meeting: (


class C {
  static x = 1, #y, [a];
  z, #w = 2, [b];

  a() {
    #w; // #w is this.#w




WebReflection commented 6 years ago

dunno how much of an help this is, but I've been experimenting already with this and my conclusion is that, to represent the current proposal, each class needs it's own WeakMap.



class A {
  #value = 1;
  valueOf() {
    return this.#value;

class B extends A {
  #value = 2;
  toString() {
    return String(this.#value);

pseudo target

const privatesA = new WeakMap;
function A() {
  privatesA.set(this, {__proto__: null, value: 1});
    valueOf: {
      configurable: true,
      writable: true,
      value: function () {
        return privatesA.get(this).value;

const privatesB = new WeakMap;
function B() {;
  privatesB.set(this, {__proto__: null, value: 2});
    Object.setPrototypeOf(B, A).prototype,
    constructor: {
      configurable: true,
      writable: true,
      value: B
    toString: {
      configurable: true,
      writable: true,
      value: function () {
        return String(privatesB.get(this).value);

in that way new B().valueOf() would be 1 and new B().toString() would be "2" + no internal property ever leaks through symbols.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

Isn't that only the case if "value" is transformed to a string? I'd think you could use an in-scope constant - like a symbol or an object literal - and then it'd be unique and you could share one WeakMap for the entire file.

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I am following you ... the example has nothing to do with the toString or valueOf case, it's a proof of concept of the implementation details and nothing else: WeakMap is the answer to this problem. It scales, it's not the best for performance reasons, yet is the most reliable.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

I understand that you must use a WeakMap. I'm responding to "each class needs it's own WeakMap" - it seems like both class A and B could share the same WeakMap, since each "value" is a distinct PrivateName.

piranna commented 6 years ago

A single WeakMap could be used as @ljharb says, but I think using a WeakMap for each class simplify the implementation.

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

It's not just a matter of implementation, it's a matter of standard. You cannot have shared WM between classes because private field #a accessed via an inherited method is NOT the same private field #a accessed by subclass method.

Please understand the current proposal before premature optimizations

littledan commented 6 years ago

It might be better to discuss this on the implementation PR than on this thread. I like the implementation strategy of that patch: In spec-compliant mode, there's one WeakMap per field, and in loose mode, there are no WeakMaps, since it's all based on string properties. It's important to track which instances have each individual field, since an initializer can throw an exception and leak an object that has some fields but not others.

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

@littledan agreed, but I couldn't literally find related changes. If there's already a PR I'll have a look there, thanks

hzoo commented 6 years ago

New private props PR

vjpr commented 6 years ago

Replaced with

hzoo commented 6 years ago

Private fields shipped in

TC39 is looking for feedback from the committee, since unlike public fields which has extensive usage/docs/videos/etc, private has not (even as Stage 3) since it hasn't shipped in Babel or other implementations until recently.

mheiber commented 6 years ago

The following seems to be allowed by the Babel parser:

class Foo {
    #    p = 0;
    constructor() {
        this.#   p   ++;

    print() {
        console.log(this   .   #    p);

However, it seems to violate the lexical grammar in the spec proposal:

PrivateName:: #IdentifierName

Is the intention that the transformation itself (not the parser) should disallow this.# foo and similar productions?

cc @ramin25 who helped find this, and @rricard, who is working on private fields.

rricard commented 6 years ago

I can try to take a look when I'm done with static private fields (I'm getting there, slowly but I'm getting there, and @tim-mc helps me as well on this one). This issue though seems to be a parser-level issue, I never worked directly on that and only consumed the AST but that might be an interesting thing to try to fix.

nicolo-ribaudo commented 6 years ago

It should be disallowed by the parser :+1:

littledan commented 6 years ago

@mheiber @rricard @ramin25 Thanks for your helpful observation; I agree with the analysis. We specifically considered and rejected permitting whitespace here. I look forward to the fix here.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Hello you guys, I'm a little late to the conversation, but I've made a class implementation that has public, protected, and private fields: lowclass

(And it really works! See the extensive tests, for example extending builtins like Array).

With the ability to extend builtin classes, and truly protected and private class properties, it has everything needed to support transpiling classes with class fields.

(Plus, using it as a lib gives you even more features like "module protected" fields, and other tricks.)

I use it to create classes that work with native and polyfilled Custom Elements, for example the test just works.

My implementation organizes WeakMaps under the hood, and it works with async code (unlike some other implementations that rely on synchronous call-stack tracking).

Thanks to @WebReflection's babel-plugin-transform-builtin-classes, @Mr0grog's newless, and @philipwalton's mozart for the inspiration and knowledge needed for creating my implementation.

So, I had a thought:

What if instead of compiling to unreadable machine code, we compile to code that is much more readable?


class A {
  #value = 1;
  valueOf() {
    return this.#value;

class B extends A {
  #value = 2;
  toString() {
    return String(this.#value);

would transpile to

// ES5 output!

var Class = require('lowclass')

var A = Class('A', function(accessHelpers) {
  var Private = accessHelpers.Private
  return {
    private: {
      value: 1
    valueOf: function() {
      return Private(this).value;

var B = Class('B').extends(A, function(accessHelpers) {
  var Private = accessHelpers.Private
  return {
    private: {
      value: 2,
    toString: function() {
      return String(Private(this).value);
trusktr commented 6 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention, it also works with super and get/set, with shorter syntax using arrow functions and concise methods in newer environments, f.e.,

var Class = require('lowclass')

var A = Class('A', ({Private}) => ({
  private: { value: 1, },
  get value() {
    return Private(this).value;

var B = Class('B').extends(A, {
  toString() {
    return String( super.value ); // super!

but in older environments, it is still possible to use the Super helper with the accessors:

// A.js
var Class = require('lowclass')

var Private

var A = Class('A', function(accessHelpers) {
  Private = accessHelpers.Private
  return {
    private: { value: 1, },

Object.defineProperty(A.prototype, 'value', {
  get: function() {
    return Private(this).value;

module.exports = A
// B.js
var Class = require('lowclass')
var A = require('./A')

var B = Class('B').extends(A, function(accessHelpers) {
  var Super = accessHelpers.Super
  return {
    toString: function() {
      return String(Super(this).value);

TLDR, it can do everything, in ES5.

(I haven't tested those samples, there could be some typo)

ljharb commented 6 years ago

That sounds like a transform you could certainly build, but making compiler output human-readable at the cost of needing an additional runtime library doesn’t seem like a worthy tradeoff.

piranna commented 6 years ago

Maybe some parts or ideas could be integrated? I think the specific code for ES5 could be removed and left only the private and protected parts, and left Babel to adapt it itself...

By the way @trusktr, can you provide an example of protected attributes and methods? Examples seems to show only private ones... And are protecte attributes in any standard?

trusktr commented 6 years ago

additional runtime library

@ljharb If lowclass (or similar idea) gets adopted into Babel, then it won't be "additional". :D

an example of protected attributes and methods?

@piranna Sure, there's many examples in the tests. For example, search for "protected" in this file.

Small example:

// Parent.js
import Class from 'lowclass'

export default Class('Parent', {
    protected: {
        parentLog() {
            console.log( 'Parent!' )
// Child.js
import Parent from './Parent'

export default Parent.subclass('Child', ({Protected}) => ({
    childLog() {
        console.log( 'Child!' )
// app.js
import Child from './Child'

const o = new Child

o.childLog() // it works

// output:
// Parent!
// Child!

o.parentLog() // ERROR, undefined is not a function (because it is not public)
trusktr commented 6 years ago
littledan commented 6 years ago

@trusktr I think the current style of output from Babel is good. I don't think "readable" output is a sustainable goal for Babel transforms for TC39 proposals, given that the language semantics are pretty subtle. If you want to propose particular semantics, I think that's better done in TC39 than in this repository; see

ljharb commented 6 years ago

I also don’t think it would be appropriate for Babel to contain any concept of “protected”, because the language has none - and it in my opinion is not likely to ever have one.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

@littledan Readability would only be a bonus. I'm just showing a runtime implementation that has all the features needed for everything in this proposal (and it can be tweaked). Maybe it'll can give someone ideas.

don’t think it would be appropriate for Babel to contain any concept of “protected”, because the language has none

Not sure what you mean. JS has a protected reserved keyword, just like private. How is it more appropriate for Babel to contain a "private" implementation than it is for "protected"? Is it because "private" is spec'd in the class fields proposal, and "protected" is not?

We can easily add it.

When I write classes, a large amount of the time I want "protected" (and I use lowclass for it), especially when designing an API that someone will interact with that is composed of a class hierarchy where I don't want the end user to reach into protected parts of instances, but I do want my subclasses to access protected parts. I like that I can guarantee a certain public interface to end users of my instances while keeping protected properties hidden.

I made a poll to see if people want protected (I hope some people will vote!):

trusktr commented 6 years ago

By the way, it's possible to add encapsulation with lowclass around existing classes. (also in the README)

This shows that such an implementation can exist on top of Babel's class transform output as is:

import protect from 'lowclass' // call it "protect" instead of "Class"

const Thing = protect( ({ Private }) => {

    return class Thing {

        constructor() {
            // make the property truly private
            Private(this).privateProperty = "yoohoo"

        someMethod() {
            console.log('Private value is:', Private(this).privateProperty)



const t = new Thing
t.someMethod() // "Private value is: yoohoo"

The class definer function can return any class, for example one created with Babel helpers.

Something like a babel-plugin-transform-class-fields could easily wrap the output from @babel/plugin-transform-classes. I think I'd like to give it a shot! It'd be nice to have class + protected.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

@trusktr yes, and the private fields proposal intentionally and explicitly chose not to address "protected", and shows how you can achieve protected without special syntax for it.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

I found a couple issues with the current implementation:

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Interestingly, the problems described there are the same as in other languages.

That version of "protected" is exactly the same as implementing "private" with a weakmap, then assigning the WeakMap onto each instance. Not very protected.

There's valid cases for "protected" where protected members can not be public: An instance factory can provide instances, while the class hierarchy is encapsulated. Therefore, all the "protected" members are still hidden by design, and library maintainers can benefit from the protected pattern.

Simply making everything public (like in the decorator example) isn't the same.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

Since JS has runtime subclassing, anything that's "protected" is in practice fully public.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about access to the prototype. A way to defend against that would be to have a library's leaf-most classes define a private property, leak the access helper inside the module scope (f.e. with lowclass), and let library code check private values by reference to prevent duck-typing of any sort.

ljharb commented 6 years ago

I can't conceive of any way to do that that allows for subclassing at any time, even later, without risking exposing protected things to the world. I believe that it's truly impossible in JS to do this, which is why I think that "protected" is a wholly inappropriate idiom for the language.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

That's what I meant, you don't allow further subclassing. We could also introduce a final keyword, to prevent subclassing.

I believe that it's truly impossible in JS to do this

@bmeck shared with both of us the "gateway" pattern, which shows it is possible to (for example) throw an error for invalid imports.

A simple implementation would be to track a counter inside a module scope which desires to have a "private" export, and increment the counter for every import of the private export. As a library author, we will know how many times the counter should be incremented. Once the counter goes beyond that number, we throw an error and leave the lib in a broken useless state.

The person trying to use the library has no choice but to fork the library source code and change the code in order to import and extend the desired class. This is the same with any other language: if you have the source, you can do whatever you want to it.

With this technique, we can export only a "final" class from a lib. This of course has implication on the library structure and implementation and how the user imports the export; that's the inconvenient part. But it's possible. We can abstract away some of the complexities involved with the gateway pattern for a specific use case.

After thinking about this for a while, I think protected is still valid, and it is not the same as the fake still-public technique that the class fields proposal suggests using (

trusktr commented 6 years ago

After using the gateway pattern, implementing the "final" class is easy, in a way that works in most cases:

class FinalClass extends PrivateClass {
  constructor() {
    if (!this.__proto__ === FinalClass.prototype) selfDestruct()

Well, anyways, if the language doesn't gain protected, I have my own version of it. :)

dead-claudia commented 6 years ago

Better way: just check that === FinalClass. That's precisely what it's there for, and it's completely impossible to forge. It also prevents weirdness like Reflect.construct(FinalClass, [], String) and Reflect.construct(FinalClass, [], ClassWithFinalClassPrototype).

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018, 17:01 Joe Pea wrote:

After using the gateway pattern, implementing the "final" class is easy, in a way that works in most cases:

class FinalClass extends PrivateClass { constructor() { if (!this.proto === FinalClass.prototype) selfDestruct() } }

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littledan commented 6 years ago

Please, I'd encourage you to have discussions about proposal semantics within TC39, rather than in the Babel project.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

just check that === FinalClass

Sweeet. So very possible to make use of a real protected, even if not completely convenient. But a library author can take the hit for the benefit of many others.

I'd encourage you to have discussions about proposal semantics within TC39


dead-claudia commented 6 years ago

@trusktr That's for "final class" within constructors, not "protected" methods. 😉

trusktr commented 6 years ago

@isiahmeadows Yes, and if a library exports a "final" class, then this prevents end users from exposing protected members through class extension (they can't extend the final class).

trusktr commented 6 years ago

So therefore, protected members are valid, and they are definitely not the same as a public this.protected namespace.

dead-claudia commented 6 years ago

@trusktr It doesn't protect methods, just the constructor. The best you can do is Object.freeze(FinalClass.prototype), but you can't otherwise protect them - objects aren't branded unforgeably with their class.

dead-claudia commented 6 years ago

But either way, this is getting off-topic, so if that doesn't address your concerns, feel free to raise it on es-discuss.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

The protected members in my lowclass implementation are not exposed on FinalClass.prototype (otherwise they would be public). The only way to expose them is through class inheritance, just like in other languages.

EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean, that the prototype can still be extended without the original constructor. In this case, at least with lowclass, the extender still can not use protected or private members directly. Existing public methods can still access protected/private methods though (but new public methods can't).

My implementation can still make it work: the original constructor can keep track of instances in a module-scoped WeakMap, and the user's custom constructor can't. Then calling any methods can throw as useful message like "you can't extend this class. :P".

TLDR It's doable, I can see the path to making it work. I might just add this to lowclass...

A language final would be sugar (but better, because no restrictions by the language in the implementation).

Alright, will continue in ESDiscuss.