babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
432 stars 39 forks source link

Fix typos + better highlighting + details on some proposals #3

Closed sarupbanskota closed 7 years ago

sarupbanskota commented 7 years ago
Proposal PR Label
Rest/Spread Properties no yes
Asynchronous Iteration no no
Dynamic Import no no
RegExp Unicode Property Escapes no no
RegExp Named Capture Groups no no
RegExp DotAll Flag no no
function.sent no no
Class Fields yes yes
Class and Property Decorators yes yes
BigInt yes yes
import.meta yes yes
export * as ns from "mod"; no no
export v from "mod"; no no
Generator Arrow Functions no no
Optional Chaining no no
do Expressions no no
Numeric Separator yes yes
Function Bind no no
hzoo commented 7 years ago

Thanks @sarupbanskota!