babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
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July 2019 #59

Open chicoxyzzy opened 5 years ago

chicoxyzzy commented 5 years ago

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Disallow BigInt literals for Annex-B non-octal digits reached consensus

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Nullish coalescing reached Stage 3

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Symbol.reverse to Stage 1, but objections to a symbol. Just a reverse method?

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Promise.allSettled reached Stage 4

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Promise.any reached Stage 2

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

String.p.replaceAll stays at Stage 2, we're investigating throwing with regexes and possibly changing String.p.matchAll.

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

RegExp Match Offsets reached Stage 3

devsnek commented 5 years ago

Iterator methods proposal reached Stage 2

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Optional chain moves to Stage 3!

jridgewell commented 5 years ago

Dynamic Import Host Adjustment moves to Stage 1

devsnek commented 5 years ago

Map.prototype.updateOrInsert moves to Stage 1

devsnek commented 5 years ago

Explicit Resource Management moves to Stage 2