babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
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December 2019 #62

Open jridgewell opened 4 years ago

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: Make super() throw after evaluating args" reached consensus once tests are merged

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: Fix extending null" needs more research to see if it'll harm implementation's derived constructor paths.

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: make async iterators next/return/throw not pass undefined when value is absent" reached consensus once we check web compatibility in an implementation

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: Eliminate extra environment for eval in parameter initializers redux" reached consensus

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: TypedArray on prototypes web reality" reached consensus to change set semantics

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Normative: make EnumerableOwnPropertyNames ordered" reached consensus

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"async-of grammar ambiguity" can be solved by disallowing, but we need a generic solution to two-token lookahead.

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

“ Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for stage 4” reaches stage 4

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

“ For-in order for stage 4” reaches stage 4

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

“ Atomics.waitAsync for Stage 3” reaches stage 3

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Optional chaining" reaches stage 4!


jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Nullish Coalescing" reaches stage 4!


jridgewell commented 4 years ago

Array select/reject reaches Stage 1, but is to explore the problem space "more ergonomic ways to filter arrays"

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Dynamic Import Host Adjustment for Stage 2" reaches stage 2

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Operator Overloading for Stage 1" reaches stage 1

jridgewell commented 4 years ago

"Module Attributes" reaches stage 1 as a generic metadata format (and maybe guarantees for not executing modules that you’ve imported)