babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
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Nov 2022 #85

Open jridgewell opened 1 year ago

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Speccing liveness of template objects does not reach consensus as is, but there is support for this direction.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Array Grouping WebCompat Issues (slides)_ has support for changing to a static method, and I'll add spec text for it. We've deferred whether this will actually reach consensus till next meeting when I write the spec text.

This does not commit us to using static methods, just that the committee is interested in that approach. We'll need time for this to bake in the community before we attempt shipping again.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Should we set a lower bound on resolution of timers? reaches consensus that any amount of time >= than the specified timeout is fine.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Is ECMA-402 allowed to extend ECMA-262 prototypes? (proposal-temporal#2169, slides)_ has consensus on the "narrow yes" solution

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

eraDisplay option for Intl.DateTimeFormat for Stage 2 reaches consensus

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Resizable buffers bug fixes (#104, #106, #108) and transfer future proofing (#113) reaches consensus for bug fixes, but transfer is being split into a Stage 2 proposal to discuss.

Committee seems to prefer preserving resizability.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Intl MessageResource for Stage 1 (slides, spec)_ reaches Stage 1

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Temporal status overview and normative changes (slides) reached consensus on normative changes

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Intl Enumeration API for Stage 4 (Slides, Stage 4 PR) reaches Stage 4

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Intl Locale Info API Stage 3 update (Slides)_ will update its getters to functions.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

String.dedent for Stage 3 (slides) did not have enough time to resolve the caching behavior, will try to come back later.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Set methods for Stage 3 (slides, spec)_ reaches Stage 3

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Well-Formed Unicode Strings for Stage 3 (slides) reaches Stage 3

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_iterator helpers for stage 3 (slides)_ reaches Stage 3

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_await operations for Stage 2 (slides)_ does not advance, committee isn't convinced of the improvement this will bring.

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Intl era and monthCode for Stage 1 (slides , spec)_ reaches Stage 1

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Intl DurationFormat Stage 3 Update (Slides TBD) has consensus on changes

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Mass Proxy Revocation for Stage 1 (slides, spec)_ reaches Stage 1

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_Explicit Resource Management for Stage 3 (slides, spec)_ reaches Stage 3, with async staying at Stage 2

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

Module declarations (was "Module fragments") for Stage 2 (slides, repo, spec) reaches Stage 2

jridgewell commented 1 year ago

_ShadowRealm Stage 3 update and request for "Ready to Ship" status (slides)_ gets consensus on avoiding user code, but will remove the stack censorship.

ljharb commented 1 year ago

Note that resource management’s stage 3 is conditional on resolving an outstanding item.