babel / proposals

✍️ Tracking the status of Babel's implementation of TC39 proposals (may be out of date)
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June 2024 #89

Open JLHwung opened 2 months ago

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

_ECMA-402: Specify time zone IDs to reduce divergence between engines(slides) (PR)_ gets consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

eval() changes for trusted types update (Proposal) gets consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Avoid second pass/buffer in base64 setFromBase64/setFromHex methods(PR) gets consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Option to omit padding in toBase64(Issue, PR) gets consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Iterator sequencing for Stage 2 (slides) reaches Stage 2. @nicolo-ribaudo, @jessealama, and @gibson042 will be Stage 2.7 reviewers.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

_Async iterators update (slides)_ is presented. The proposal is not seeking advancement, but the committee is in favor of the direction.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Intl.MessageFormat Stage 1 open question involving error handling design patterns (slides) is presented. Option 2 is excluded.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Promise.try for stage 3 (issue, tests) reaches Stage 3.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Error.isError for stage 2 reaches Stage 2.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Deferred import evaluation for Stage 2.7 (slides) reaches Stage 2.7.

ljharb commented 2 months ago

RegExp.escape reaches stage 2.7

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

_Joint iteration for Stage 2.7 (slides)_ reaches Stage 2.7.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Decimal for stage 2 (slides) is not advanced.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

ESM Phase Imports for Stage 2 (slides) reaches Stage 2.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Temporal Stage 3 update and scope reduction (slides) is presented. Most proposed changes get consensus, while removal of subtract() and since() methods does not get consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

_Continuation from previous meeting: Explicit Resource Management Normative Updates and Needs Consensus PRs (slides, PRs)_ gets consensus.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

_Discard Bindings update or stage 2 (slides, spec)_ reaches Stage 2.

JLHwung commented 2 months ago

Atomics.pause for stage 2 or 2.7 reaches Stage 2.7.