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Guest Blog Post: CSS in JS babel plugins #1276

Open hzoo opened 6 years ago

hzoo commented 6 years ago

Maybe folks (me) would like to learn more about CSS in JS and why everyone is choosing to write a babel plugin to optimize code/make it faster

Maybe can collaborate on a post for the blog (if anyone is interested)?

cc: @rauchg @giuseppeg? @philpl @mxstbr @tkh44 @threepointone others?

kitten commented 6 years ago

I'd love to talk about some insights here :smile: On the other hand, the styled-components preprocessing is only going to be stable and an official feature in v3. I actually have some slides on the topic here: (slide 20 & onward is about preprocessing)

Until then @tkh44 and @threepointone are definitely more of an authority to talk about this :smile:

I will actually be working on ISTF with @kof and then jump on a universal preprocessing lib that will also be a core lib for SC v3. So we could also write some things about ISTF, if you're interested, for now.

kof commented 6 years ago

By ISTF @philpl means this

hzoo commented 6 years ago

I still think this would be cool to have! Would encourage others to try their own plugins, and maybe we could get some contributors to core 😄 (plz)

mxstbr commented 6 years ago

I can write something up about why we built ours initially and how it works. 😊

giuseppeg commented 6 years ago

@hzoo if time is not a constraint I can do that :)

hzoo commented 6 years ago

Yep, no time limits (believe me I understand that we don't always have time for these things)! Just a way to express the use cases for community plugins

I'd be cool with a larger post with everyone's input too

hzoo commented 6 years ago

Anyone still want to do this (or better question has time 😄)?

giuseppeg commented 5 years ago

@hzoo maybe we can record an episode for the Babel Podcast?