babelfish-for-postgresql / babelfish_extensions

Babelfish for PostgreSQL provides the capability for PostgreSQL to work with applications written for Microsoft SQL Server. Babelfish understands the SQL Server wire-protocol and T-SQL, the Microsoft SQL Server query and procedural language, so you don’t have to switch database drivers or rewrite all of your application queries.
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[Bug]: Cross-DB system view query is not currently supported in Babelfish #2646

Open markrui3 opened 4 weeks ago

markrui3 commented 4 weeks ago

What happened?

SQL:SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'tempdb..#tmp_table')

In SQL Server, it works fine. But in Babelfish, it gives me the result: Cross-DB system view query is not currently supported in Babelfish.

I know it's because of this patch: But I don't want to modify my client code, can Babelfish give the same result with SQL Server?


BABEL_4_X_DEV (Default)



Which flavor of Linux are you using when you see the bug?

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Relevant log output

LOG:  Unmapped error found. Code: 16801924, Message: Cross-DB system view query is not currently supported in Babelfish., File: multidb.c, Line: 993, Context: babelfishpg_tsql

Code of Conduct

shalinilohia50 commented 3 weeks ago

This is a known issue in Babelfish. Cross database queries for system views is only supported for sys schema, but not in case of dbo in Babelfish. [Only applicable to views where the view content is database dependent, i.e., sysobjects, syscolumns etc.]

SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects resolves to SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects that's why Babelfish throws an error since it's querying dbo schema but not sys schema for system view sysobjects.

As a workaround, please use SELECT * FROM tempdb.sys.sysobjects until we fix the issue.

markrui3 commented 3 weeks ago

But in SQL Server, tempdb.sys.sysobjects and tempdb.dbo.sysobjects return the same result. Why must Babelfish throw an error since dbo schema and sys schema return the same result? At least, sysobjects view is same in both dbo and sys schema in SQL Server.

shalinilohia50 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, it's a known bug in Babelfish that in case of cross database query using dbo schema for system view was giving incorrect results. So, until we fix this bug we have planned to throw an error which is better than showing incorrect output.

markrui3 commented 3 weeks ago

Perhaps you are right, cross database query should use sys schema. But in SQL Server, the sys.sysobjects and dbo.sysobjects return the same result exactly! Customers don't care about dbo schema or sys schema, they only care about if the result is same with SQL Server. @robverschoor Please give a more professional explanation about this issue. I don't think it's a good idea to hard coding to forbid cross-db query.

robverschoor commented 3 weeks ago

shalinilohia50 is correct: this is an unfortunate bug in Babelfish as the sys and dbo schemas should be interchangeable for those catalogs. We all agree that the current result is not what it should be. The philosophy in the Babelfish project has always been that we prefer to throw an error rather than return an incorrect result.

markrui3 commented 3 weeks ago

But in my SQL Server, SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects and SELECT * FROM tempdb.sys.sysobjects return the same result. Maybe it's allowed to be interchangeable?

robverschoor commented 3 weeks ago

yes, they are equivalent. this is because in the older days, the sys schema did not exist and the catalogs were under the dbo schema. At some point schemas (and the sys schema for catalogs) were introduced but dbo.sys<catalog> was maintained, and equivalent to to sys.sys<catalog> for backward compatibility. As mentioned, Babelfish does not currently get this right.