Hi, I wanted to let you know that the syntax for classifiers in deps.edn files has changed with the latest release of clj ( The classifier attribute is no longer used and instead the classifier is added to the lib name itself as groupId/artifactId$classifier.
In your template deps.edn, you might want to switch to the next syntax like:
Hi, I wanted to let you know that the syntax for classifiers in deps.edn files has changed with the latest release of clj ( The classifier attribute is no longer used and instead the classifier is added to the lib name itself as groupId/artifactId$classifier.
In your template deps.edn, you might want to switch to the next syntax like:
net.catdata/fql$jar-with-deps {:mvn/version "0.9-SNAPSHOT"}
If you have any issues, feel free to file a ticket at https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/TDEPS for tools.deps.alpha.