babichjacob / sapper-typescript-graphql-template

A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, TypeScript preprocessing, and a GraphQL server through TypeGraphQL
MIT License
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Hot reloading (automatic refreshing) from TypeScript files #9

Open babichjacob opened 4 years ago

babichjacob commented 4 years ago

From Carlo$#3952 on Discord

My issue is this:

import * as sapper from "@sapper/app";
import { setup } from "fileInSRCNodeModules";

(async () => {
  await setup();
  await sapper.start({
    target: document.querySelector("#sapper")

When I run

npm run dev

I get:

Could not load C:/example/src/node_modules/fileInSRCNodeModules.ts (imported by C:\example\src\client.ts): Debug Failure. False expression: Expected fileName 
to be present in command line

Edit 1: Creating the file in "/src/someFile.ts" or even "/src/folder/someFile.ts" And then calling it from "client.ts" as -

import { setup } from "./someFile.ts"


am I accidently not allowing "node_modules" access? But "@sapper/app" works

babichjacob commented 4 years ago

Live reload possibly not working Probably an upstream problem

babichjacob commented 4 years ago

I manually added livereload: import livereload from "rollup-plugin-livereload"; to rollup.config and set it the config to dev && livereload("sapper/dev"), This allows the hot reload off of any rebuilds - however - since sapper already rebuilds by default on all changes but .ts files - this causes the reload to happen twice on files except .ts So - Iooked through the sapper cli and you can set the reload to false I modified the npm run dev to be: "dev": "cross-env ROLLUP_WATCH=true sapper dev --live false", Now, it rebuilds accordingly
