babolivier / cozy-archlinux

Old Archlinux packaging for Cozy v2
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Switch to systemd #7

Open babolivier opened 8 years ago

babolivier commented 8 years ago

As most of Archlinux systems run systemd, it'd be better and wiser to use it instead of supervisor. To do this, we need to complete the following steps:

babolivier commented 8 years ago

Heard that @nledez will be working on this. Don't let me down, Nicolas.

nledez commented 8 years ago

Hi @babolivier,

An exemple of systemd unit (/etc/systemd/system/cozy.service): `[Unit] Description=Cozy Controller

[Service] Environment=NODE_ENV=production ExecStart=/usr/bin/cozy-controller


BUT if you put systemd without supervisord, the support can be painful (ping @clochix).

And add this to /etc/cozy/controller.json: "restart_cmd": "/bin/systemctl restart cozy"

babolivier commented 8 years ago

Thanks, will look into it for future versions of the package!

ArchangeGabriel commented 7 years ago

@nledez @clochix Any details about this:

BUT if you put systemd without supervisord, the support can be painful (ping @clochix).


clochix commented 7 years ago

I just opened an issue in order we document the use of systemd :

Regarding the support, I think the main issue is that it's easier to diagnose problems if everybody use the same configuration. We may don't want to officially support both supervisord and systemd.

ArchangeGabriel commented 7 years ago

Oh, that kind of support. Well, regarding ArchLinux, is not like this is or will ever be an officially supported platform. ;) But we’re able to manage our own issues between us most of time. :p

And as a ArchLinux user, I would definitively go the systemd way. ;)

nledez commented 7 years ago

Another response is:

There are two distribution build with same package:

If we need to support them, we also need to update some scripts.

So. It's more easier for us to manage it.

Another response:

We have more priority on this Debian package before systemd.

ArchangeGabriel commented 7 years ago

@nledez Yes, that’s a different issue with support, but still the same meaning of supported for me: for which you (want to) provide assistance. ;)

ArchangeGabriel commented 7 years ago

My new package at use systemd.

The next-coming one (cozy-git, based on V3) will also do.