babylonchain / babylon

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chore: Finality Provider registration with signer as fp address #663

Closed RafilxTenfen closed 3 weeks ago

RafilxTenfen commented 1 month ago

Remove signer and babylo_pk from MsgCreateFinalityProvider to use the signer of the msg as the finality provider address directly:

 message MsgCreateFinalityProvider {
-  option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "signer";
- -  string signer = 1;
+  option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "fp_addr";
+  string fp_addr = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

-  bytes btc_pk = 5;

-  ProofOfPossession pop = 6;
+  ProofOfPossessionBTC pop = 5;

Since the structure ProofOfPossesion will not be used anymore to check the Babylon public key it can also be removed from the code


RafilxTenfen commented 3 weeks ago

Done at #678