$ make test-e2e [13:13:47]
cd tools; go install -trimpath github.com/babylonchain/babylon/cmd/babylond
go test -mod=readonly -timeout=25m -v github.com/babylonchain/finality-provider/itest -count=1 --tags=e2e
=== RUN TestFinalityProviderLifeCycle
service injective.evm.v1beta1.Msg does not have cosmos.msg.v1.service proto annotation
service injective.evm.v1beta1.Msg does not have cosmos.msg.v1.service proto annotation
test_manager.go:155: Babylon node is started
Error Trace: /Users/zidong/Documents/Projects/babylon-finality-provider/itest/test_manager.go:179
Error: Received unexpected error:
rpc error: code = NotFound desc = rpc error: code = NotFound desc = account bbn1g0th00wpag8c6j92uqe22frg5qk5pumhr7e4tg not found: key not found
Test: TestFinalityProviderLifeCycle
Root cause
babylond process is already running in the background
Root cause
process is already running in the backgroundSuggestions