babysor / MockingBird

🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
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Warning: you do not have any of the recognized datasets in samples #882

Open Candy0611 opened 1 year ago

Candy0611 commented 1 year ago

D:\MockingBird\MockingBird-main1>python -d .\samples Arguments: datasets_root: samples vc_mode: False enc_models_dir: data\ckpt\encoder syn_models_dir: data\ckpt\synthesizer voc_models_dir: data\ckpt\vocoder extractor_models_dir: data\ckpt\ppg_extractor convertor_models_dir: data\ckpt\ppg2mel cpu: False seed: None no_mp3_support: False

Warning: you do not have any of the recognized datasets in samples Please note use 'E:\datasets' as root path instead of 'E:\datasetsidatatang_200zh\corpus est' as an example . The recognized datasets are: LibriSpeech/dev-clean LibriSpeech/dev-other LibriSpeech/test-clean LibriSpeech/test-other LibriSpeech/train-clean-100 LibriSpeech/train-clean-360 LibriSpeech/train-other-500 LibriTTS/dev-clean LibriTTS/dev-other LibriTTS/test-clean LibriTTS/test-other LibriTTS/train-clean-100 LibriTTS/train-clean-360 LibriTTS/train-other-500 LJSpeech-1.1 VoxCeleb1/wav VoxCeleb1/test_wav VoxCeleb2/dev/aac VoxCeleb2/test/aac VCTK-Corpus/wav48 aidatatang_200zh/corpus/test aidatatang_200zh/corpus/train aishell3/test/wav magicdata/train Feel free to add your own. You can still use the toolbox by recording samples yourself. Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\MockingBird\MockingBird-main1\", line 49, in Toolbox(**vars(args)) File "D:\MockingBird\MockingBird-main1\control\", line 80, in init__ self.reset_ui(enc_models_dir, syn_models_dir, voc_models_dir, extractor_models_dir, convertor_models_dir, seed) File "D:\MockingBird\MockingBird-main1\control\", line 162, in reset_ui self.ui.populate_models(encoder_models_dir, synthesizer_models_dir, vocoder_models_dir, extractor_models_dir, convertor_models_dir, self.vc_mode) File "D:\MockingBird\MockingBird-main1\control\toolbox\", line 362, in populate_models raise Exception("No synthesizer models found in %s" % synthesizer_models_dir) Exception: No synthesizer models found in data\ckpt\synthesizer

111zhangsan commented 1 year ago

image 同问,问题解决了吗?

zfm1997 commented 1 year ago

同样的问题, ,wiki指导流程是否未及时更新,跟着操作下来报错

wesfera commented 1 year ago

@Candy0611 @111zhangsan @zfm1997 朋友们,按照提示,把pt模型文件放到 data/ckpt/synthesizer 目录下即可,没有目录就创建。应该可以解决。 然后其实你们可以自己看代码,断点解决的,很简单。