bacalhau-project / bacalhau

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add Queued state and history event #4115

Open wdbaruni opened 1 week ago

wdbaruni commented 1 week ago

This PR improves the visibility of queued jobs by adding a new history event, dedicated job state, and enables updating the job state from running back to queued if necessary.

This change includes:


This change breaks existing clients. Planning to add a middleware in a followup PR that will fail requests coming from outdated clients with a user friendly message asking them to upgrade their client.

Example Output

Old Format

→       bacalhau job describe j-ae5403b8-0934-4d86-a6e0-31e2f981f021
ID            = j-ae5403b8-0934-4d86-a6e0-31e2f981f021
Name          = j-ae5403b8-0934-4d86-a6e0-31e2f981f021
Namespace     = default
Type          = batch
State         = Completed
Count         = 1
Created Time  = 2024-06-21 09:18:10
Modified Time = 2024-06-21 09:18:10
Version       = 0

Completed = 1

Job History
 TIME                 REV.  STATE      TOPIC       EVENT
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  1     Pending    Submission  Job submitted
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  2     Running
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  3     Completed

 e-6403a485  QmPLPUUj  Completed  Stopped  6     4h37m ago  4h37m ago  Accepted job

Execution e-6403a485 History
 TIME                 REV.  STATE              TOPIC            EVENT
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  1     New
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  2     AskForBid
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  3     AskForBidAccepted  Requesting Node  Accepted job
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  4     AskForBidAccepted
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  5     BidAccepted
 2024-06-21 09:18:10  6     Completed

Standard Output

New Format

ID            = j-ccc2a592-d0a8-4dec-9bc8-9e198bb0e8f0
Name          = j-ccc2a592-d0a8-4dec-9bc8-9e198bb0e8f0
Namespace     = default
Type          = batch
State         = Pending
Count         = 1
Created Time  = 2024-06-21 17:03:06
Modified Time = 2024-06-21 17:03:06
Version       = 0

AskForBid = 1

Job History
 TIME                 TOPIC       EVENT
 2024-06-21 19:03:06  Submission  Job submitted

 e-b07974f7  node-2   AskForBid  Pending  2     1s ago   1s ago

Execution e-b07974f7 History
 TIME                 TOPIC         EVENT
 2024-06-21 19:03:06  Scheduling    Execution created
 2024-06-21 19:03:06  State Update  AskForBid

New Format with Queueing

ID            = j-4f1b0d3b-0a1e-4a7f-8fb9-63740a04f0c3
Name          = j-4f1b0d3b-0a1e-4a7f-8fb9-63740a04f0c3
Namespace     = default
Type          = batch
State         = Queued
Message       = Job queued. not enough nodes to run job. requested: 1, available: 3, suitable: 0.
• 3 of 3 nodes: does not support docker, only wasm
Count         = 1
Created Time  = 2024-06-21 17:41:23
Modified Time = 2024-06-21 17:41:23
Version       = 0


Job History
 TIME                 TOPIC       EVENT
 2024-06-21 19:41:23  Submission  Job submitted
 2024-06-21 19:41:23  Queueing    Job queued. not enough nodes to run job. requested: 1, available: 3, suitable: 0.
                                  • 3 of 3 nodes: does not support docker, only wasm


Closes #3991 Closes #4101

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 week ago


Review skipped

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wdbaruni commented 1 week ago

not sure how TestDockerRunSuite/TestRun_BadExecutables/bad-image-bad-executable used to pass before. It relies on node-details being printed which are off default. In the legacy print path we used to print the node details if the flag is set, or error is returned. The new print path doesn't consider errors, which is what causing that test to fail.

I've fixed that in