bacalhau-project / bacalhau

Compute over Data framework for public, transparent, and optionally verifiable computation
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Convoluted error message for bacalhau docker run #4205

Open MichaelHoepler opened 3 months ago

MichaelHoepler commented 3 months ago

The command bacalhau docker run ... gives the following convoluted output back:

test@MichaelsMacBook ~ % bacalhau docker run \
  --wait \
  --id-only \
  -w /inputs  \
  -i \
  -i \
  tensorflow/tensorflow \
  -- python
Error: submitting job for execution: publicapi: after posting request: "This endpoint is deprecated. See the migration guide at for more information"

  bacalhau docker run [flags] IMAGE[:TAG|@DIGEST] [COMMAND] [ARG...]

  # Run a Docker job, using the image 'dpokidov/imagemagick', with a CID mounted at /input_images and an output volume mounted at /outputs in the container. All flags after the '--' are passed directly into the container for execution.
  bacalhau docker run \
  -i src=ipfs://QmeZRGhe4PmjctYVSVHuEiA9oSXnqmYa4kQubSHgWbjv72,dst=/input_images \
  dpokidov/imagemagick:7.1.0-47-ubuntu \
  -- magick mogrify -resize 100x100 -quality 100 -path /outputs '/input_images/*.jpg'

  # Dry Run: check the job specification before submitting it to the bacalhau network
  bacalhau docker run --dry-run ubuntu echo hello

  # Save the job specification to a YAML file
  bacalhau docker run --dry-run ubuntu echo hello > job.yaml

  # Specify an image tag (default is 'latest' - using a specific tag other than 'latest' is recommended for reproducibility)
  bacalhau docker run ubuntu:bionic echo hello

  # Specify an image digest
  bacalhau docker run ubuntu@sha256:35b4f89ec2ee42e7e12db3d107fe6a487137650a2af379bbd49165a1494246ea echo hello

      --concurrency int                         How many nodes should run the job (default 1)
      --cpu string                              Job CPU cores (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).
      --disk string                             Job Disk requirement (e.g. 500Gb, 2Tb, 8Tb).
      --do-not-track                            When true the job will not be tracked(?) TODO BETTER DEFINITION
      --domain stringArray                      Domain(s) that the job needs to access (for HTTP networking)
      --download                                Should we download the results once the job is complete?
      --download-timeout-secs duration          Timeout duration for IPFS downloads. (default 5m0s)
      --dry-run                                 Do not submit the job, but instead print out what will be submitted
      --entrypoint strings                      Override the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
  -e, --env strings                             The environment variables to supply to the job (e.g. --env FOO=bar --env BAR=baz)
  -f, --follow                                  When specified will follow the output from the job as it runs
  -g, --gettimeout int                          Timeout for getting the results of a job in --wait (default 10)
      --gpu string                              Job GPU requirement (e.g. 1, 2, 8).
  -h, --help                                    help for run
      --id-only                                 Print out only the Job ID on successful submission.
  -i, --input storage                           Mount URIs as inputs to the job. Can be specified multiple times. Format: src=URI,dst=PATH[,opt=key=value]
                                                # Mount IPFS CID to /inputs directory
                                                -i ipfs://QmeZRGhe4PmjctYVSVHuEiA9oSXnqmYa4kQubSHgWbjv72

                                                # Mount S3 object to a specific path
                                                -i s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path

                                                # Mount S3 object with specific endpoint and region
                                                -i src=s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path,opt=endpoint=,opt=region=us-east-1
                                                 (default )
      --ipfs-api-listen-addresses strings       addresses the internal IPFS node will listen on for API connections (default [/ip4/]) (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-connect string                     The ipfs host multiaddress to connect to, otherwise an in-process IPFS node will be created if not set.
      --ipfs-gateway-listen-addresses strings   addresses the internal IPFS node will listen on for gateway connections (default [/ip4/]) (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-profile string                     profile for internal IPFS node (default "flatfs") (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-serve-path string                  path local Ipfs node will persist data to (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-swarm-addrs strings                IPFS multiaddress to connect the in-process IPFS node to - cannot be used with --ipfs-connect. (default [/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/]) (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-swarm-key string                   Optional IPFS swarm key required to connect to a private IPFS swarm (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
      --ipfs-swarm-listen-addresses strings     addresses the internal IPFS node will listen on for swarm connections (default [/ip4/]) (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
  -l, --labels strings                          List of labels for the job. Enter multiple in the format '-l a -l 2'. All characters not matching /a-zA-Z0-9_:|-/ and all emojis will be stripped.
      --memory string                           Job Memory requirement (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).
      --network network-type                    Networking capability required by the job. None, HTTP, or Full (default None)
      --node-details                            Print out details of all nodes (overridden by --id-only).
  -o, --output strings                          name:path of the output data volumes. 'outputs:/outputs' is always added unless '/outputs' is mapped to a different name. (default [outputs:/outputs])
      --output-dir string                       Directory to write the output to.
      --private-internal-ipfs                   Whether the in-process IPFS node should auto-discover other nodes, including the public IPFS network - cannot be used with --ipfs-connect. Use "--private-internal-ipfs=false" to disable. To persist a local Ipfs node, set BACALHAU_SERVE_IPFS_PATH to a valid path. (default true) (DEPRECATED: The embedded IPFS node will be removed in a future versionin favour of using --ipfs-connect and a self-hosted IPFS node)
  -p, --publisher publisher                     Where to publish the result of the job
      --raw                                     Download raw result CIDs instead of merging multiple CIDs into a single result
  -s, --selector string                         Selector (label query) to filter nodes on which this job can be executed, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. -s key1=value1,key2=value2). Matching objects must satisfy all of the specified label constraints.
      --target all|any                          Whether to target the minimum number of matching nodes ("any") (default) or all matching nodes ("all") (default any)
      --timeout int                             Job execution timeout in seconds (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes)
      --wait                                    Wait for the job to finish. Use --wait=false to return as soon as the job is submitted. (default true)
      --wait-timeout-secs int                   When using --wait, how many seconds to wait for the job to complete before giving up. (default 600)
  -w, --workdir string                          Working directory inside the container. Overrides the working directory shipped with the image (e.g. via WORKDIR in Dockerfile).

Global Flags:
      --api-host string         The host for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
                                Ignored if BACALHAU_API_HOST environment variable is set. (default "")
      --api-port int            The port for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
                                Ignored if BACALHAU_API_PORT environment variable is set. (default 1234)
      --cacert string           The location of a CA certificate file when self-signed certificates
                                    are used by the server
      --insecure                Enables TLS but does not verify certificates
      --log-mode logging-mode   Log format: 'default','station','json','combined','event' (default default)
      --repo string             path to bacalhau repo (default "/Users/test/.bacalhau")
      --tls                     Instructs the client to use TLS

submitting job for execution: publicapi: after posting request: "This endpoint is deprecated. See the migration guide at for more information"

There is the important information hidden before the block of text of all the examples. The rest is not very important for the user in this instance. @wdbaruni @frrist @aronchick

MichaelHoepler commented 3 months ago

There is the important information hidden before the block of text of all the examples. The rest is not very important for the user in this instance. @wdbaruni @frrist @aronchick

wdbaruni commented 1 month ago

We should stop auto-printing the help output whenever an error is returned. @frrist thoughts?